"the" Mrs. Astor

Monday, May 24, 2010

Where does the time go? It seems like only yesterday that I was totally drunk. I am seriously worried that the lack of vodka in my system is making me boring; there certainly can't be anything more horrific. Baroness Seitzinger secluded herself in the rich arms of Palm Beach for the weekend and Mrs. Stuyvesant-Fish decided to gamble her fate in Las Vegas.

Fortunately, I was left with two other lushes visiting from New York, Terrance and Victor. My, oh my, but even I was amazed at how quickly they polished off a bottle of vodka each and STILL managed to conduct an intelligent conversation. When Mr. Astor finally got off work, we were able to do what we do best: Forget how we got home. There was popcorn all over the house when I managed to get up; there must have been a circus in town.


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