"the" Mrs. Astor

Friday, December 07, 2012

There is not much left of the dear, lamented Baroness Seitzinger except her callous choices of Nick Knacks.  And let this be a lesson to all of you:  If you are going to die, or move to London (some say it is the same thing) don't be foolish enough to leave "things" that can be brought out by "friends" to put question on your character.  Naturally, she didn't have much left, but still......

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Add to my many miseries is The Baroness Seitszinger's return to London on her expansive bank account.  Most of us prefer to refer to it as her "removal".  Still, she is living in Kensington, which for a purchased title like her's is pretty good.  She condescendingly told me she had a couch ready for me; I replied that I would turn her in as an IRA spy before sleeping her living room.

Monday, December 03, 2012

I have come back to the front not only to announce that I am still alive and breathing fire, but to combat the evil that is spewing forward from Mrs. Stuyvesant-Fish, in what she thinks is an absence of force from my Yankee court.  Someone, really, must stop her obnoxious flaunting of Southern Confederate money.  It will be my distinct pleasure to remind her that Sherman took care of the likes of her.