I feel compelled to continue telling of the life of the legendary Lahoma van Zandt. This was the first color photo I ever took of her. It was October 1929 and she was screaming,
“Sell! Sell!” to her broker. Lahoma had unfortunately neglected to put the nickel in the phone and she lost her fortune overnight. Distraught, she flung herself out of the window of her basement apartment and woke up on a discarded mattress with a bottle of gin and only her talent left.
She revived her vauderville act and made a string of wildly successful movies with The Mexican Spitfire, Lupe Vellez, and during World War II she entertained many, many men, sometimes even on stage.
You had me at "flung herself out the window of her basement apartment" hahahaha - that was classic! :)
I miss you Alexis! I hope all is well!
Countess, you have a great way with words (among other things).
I miss old aunt Lahoma, who else can pick up a can of Alpo with their feets!!!
-Big Dope*
u make me wanna BE her!!
i love u A.
Adrian, you are the one with the flare; I just have my memories of drag queens and tsars.
Ed, I wouldn't mind slappyou your cheeks.
Jesse, I miss my favorite nerd, too.
Wayne, you always make me blush, especially when your hands are under my corset.
Dope, I only saw the many classy sides of Lahoma. Let's see; one, two.... Forget that, how's Boone.
Ian, you could. For about $1.92.
i dunno if i could afford it
i´m from a 3dr world country, remember?
I've told you to stop posting so many pictures of my mother on your freakin' site. This has gone on long enough! I demand retribution in the form of a new chapeux in the shape of Nemo and a caramel apple covered in m&m's and dipped in jagermeister. I will await the delivery of you package (so to speak) first thing in the morning.
Wait a sec isn't Lupe Vellez the one who invented spanish fly? Or did Lahoma just say she attracted flies? I'm sure it was the liquid she invented. Horny little bugger was always riding the guests.
is that pucci she's wearing? what an utter beauty!
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