"the" Mrs. Astor

Friday, July 08, 2005


Barbra Seville makes me think of a story. I will now try to push all the nasty aspects of life out of the way and get to the fun aspics. Barbra Sevill brings to mind my all-time favorite, Kitty Carlyle Hart.

When I moved to New York City I hit the ground running; one neighbor was a bartenter at Studio 54 (the new version) and my other neighbor gave parties there. Broadway producer, Morton Gottleib, was after my other neighbor, Luis. One day I mentioned to Morty that I had a collection of Vouge magazines from the fifties (what fag didn't) and one had a full-page photo of Moss Hart and the then, nine-year-old Christopher Hart. Morty said "Bring the issue to my office" (47th and Broadway). I was so young and innocent then and bounced into Morty's office with the magazine. Morty gazed at the photo of the father and son, sighed, and said, "This is too beautiful. I have to call Kitty." I knew Morty was always trying to impress people and would do anything to continue getting into Luis's pants, but I was truly shocked that someone could just pick up the phone and call Kitty Carlyle. To my utter astonishment, Morty said, "I have this young man here who has this great picture of Moss and Chris and I AM SENDING HIM OVER."
He listened for a moment and replied, "NO, he doesn't mind if your hair isn't DONE." I was dizzy, truly dizzy as he wrote Kitty's address down. It is either East 62nd or 64th between Fifth and Madison. I walked into the marble foyer and a very elegant gentleman in a uniform asked why I was there. I said, "My name is Alexis and I am here to see Miss Hart." My blood was boiling and he made a call, said "Follow me", and I was taken to the elevator. The elevator opened up to Kitty's flooor and a very sweet Spanish maid greeted me. I was ushered in to a sitting room and God Almighty, Kitty Carlyle Hart walked in and said, "You're Morty's friend, how nice." I was fucking dying; I had watched Kitty all through my childhood on To Tell The Truth. I handed her the magazine opened to the back cover page and she gasped. (It was a truly exceptional photo of Moss and Chris sitting in a gazebo.) Kitty asked if I wanted tea or something and I just shook my head No. The maid was standing behind her, smiling. Kitty engaged me in some small talk about just having moved to New York and clothing design, which was my life then. She was so nice and I could hardly speak when she asked, "Is there anything I can do for you?" I was like, hummma, humma, humma and couldn't say anything except, "This is more than I ever hoped for in my life." All-knowingly she said, "I know what I can do" and jumped up in her black capri pants and white blouse and ran down a very long hallway. Moments later she returned with an 8 by 10 glossy of herself and jotted down a lovely note. I never framed this photo in fear that the note might be smudged or faded and kept it in a protected file foldered.

As I left the building, all I could think of was that NOT ONE PERSON would believe this had happened, when I ran into, of all people, while walking out but Ricky Boscarino of LUNAPARC fame. "What are you doing, coming out of that building" he asked. And I told him, and therefore the world as I knew learned of it..

Thank you Barbra Seville for shaking my memory.....


At 8:53 PM, Blogger Glitzy said...

What a fantastic story! Thanks for sharing it. Hope you have a great weekend!

At 1:46 PM, Blogger Ed Grow said...

You are fab-you-luss! Your stories always inspire me to be even more insipid and ridiculous.

At 9:41 PM, Blogger turlie said...

Alexis that is a wonderful story, thank you so much for sharing -- "une histoire très belle"

At 12:15 PM, Blogger Alexis du Bois said...

Glitzy, thank YOU for reading it.

Ed, I'll always be there for you.

Turlie, when you speak French to me I get all excited.

At 1:02 PM, Blogger From My Lips to Your Ears said...


How freaking cool.
What a great story.

From the way you wrote that, I could picture her pants, her slightly frizzed hair, and the long hallway.


PICS AT www.BarbraSeville.com

At 12:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Darling, you've always been a very entertaining liar.
The late Mrs Hart lived at 740 Park Avenue

At 5:39 AM, Blogger Alexis du Bois said...

I wouldn't have been so specific if I were making it up, moron. Even though it was 25 years ago, I remember addressing the thank you card and even the card itself: and antique Russian card of the park in Tsarkoye Selo. Get a life.


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