It Wasn't Beauty Killed the Beast... was Cheap Heels.
Alas, our dear friend and one of The Palace's best customers, B and T Mark ,broke his ankle this weekend. Fortunately, it didn't keep him from the Palace on Sunday as he was carried in a sedan chair by four brash, burly, boys to Ditmar's bar; I would, however, immediately sell off any stock in Kettleone, as the poor dear has been ordered to keep a low profile. Of course, the "official" story of the fall on the step--although not doubted FOR A MINUTE--falls a little short (oops) of current reasonable thinking. Had Mark not been spotted shopping in Payless for cha-cha heels on Friday, well....
I did advise the dear boy on Sunday morning not to mix vicodin with Ketel One. It does a Countess' heart good to know that someone listens to her.
I hope revenue at the Palace will not be affected tooooo badly.
Note to concerned K1 shareholders: while I'm on my Vicodin vacation, you may wish to buy Earl Grey tea futures. There's gonna be an uptick in sales.......
However, reports of my wearing cha-cha heels are greatly exaggerated; if I were ever caught sporting them, the general public would instantly demand the revocation of my rainbow-hued union card ;-)
yes Mark, but you canĀ“t say your legs are terrific on ths picture..
First Bacardi collapses and now Ketel 1? Just more ethanol, I suppose.
Mrs. Astor should be careful when doubting stories involving stairs... Hope you're dancing again soon!
Thats what happens when good taste goes shopping at ho-heels-fo-less. Tsk tsk tsk. Honey she should have known better.
I'm more of a Rockport guy myself, but do have a thing for the occasional Doc Martens... Damn! this Vicodin is strong - I never get worked up over shoes :-/
Mark, don't get Bees excited with all tha Vicodin talk. By the way, I love those...
Not since Fay Wray have truer words been spoken! ;)
Poor Mark - I hope you will be okay! A little birdie told me that Thursday is a big day for you. I will be thinking of you and coveting a bottle of Kettle One as your surgery commences. (((((HUGS)))) You will be fine. Be careful in heels next time! :)
Love Always,
Jesse :)
Ketel One and vicodin...oh my aching head!
Thanks for the words of support - I'll be seaworthy in no time!
:-) B&T
No, Ian, by seaworthy I don't mean pectoral personal floatation device implants!
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