"the" Mrs. Astor

Friday, June 30, 2006

As always, it's funny how things line up in the every day routine of things. Dr. Brad had stopped by to have his afternoon gin and tonic with me and was talking about HIS pal, Dr. Tom, who is a "bug" doctor, and had come to Miami from Orlando to teach the International Airport personnel working in quarantine. I foolishly asked, "Quarantine for pets?" and Brad gently smiled and replied, "No, for humans" and then went on to describe how flight crews focus on ill passengers on international flights and load them into quarantine. They are looking for the first signs of Bird Flu, he explained, and Tom was flying to Indonesia next week to study it more. "Still, aren't we dealing with people who sleep with their chickens?" I asked. "Yes," he replied "but they still can board a flight." He said he was "uneasy" about it all.

So, walking home I see a guy with a wire cage capturing pigeons on Lincoln Road, the Rodeo Drive of South Beach. At first, I thought he was just another freak from Hialeah capturing animals for sacrifice and actually thought of calling the police, when I spotted the car. He was transferring the pigeons from the cage to a plastic crate and loading them into that car for disposal of some sort.

Suddenly, I was a little "uneasy" with the whole situation, too, but more so for the woman who sleeps with him.


At 11:27 PM, Blogger Ian Gutierrez said...

are u sure the guy with the cage was not just "another" Migrations Office Buddy, capturing pigeons to ccheck their citizenship situation and afterwards, keeping the ilegal birds to be deported?

At 8:52 AM, Blogger Ray said...

That man was a saint I tell you ... filthy flying rats *shudder*

At 9:56 AM, Blogger Black and Tan Mark said...

Damn - I'm sorry I missed Drs. Brad and Tom - hopefully they'll return soon.


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