"the" Mrs. Astor

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

If The Hat Fits....

...you'd better wear it soon. Castro hats are all the rage around the country, although I wouldn't place Miami in there. I have never known WHERE to place Miami; it exists in a separate mental sphere from the United States. 60% of the population does not speak English as a first language and 80% of those never intend to speak it at all.

Cubans run Miami as a fiefdom, much like the Italians ran Chicago in the 30's. It's corrupt, but once you understand that fact anything is possible. The influx of other Central and South American immigrants has not deprived the entrenched of much power.

All Cubans await The Day. This is the day that Castro dies. The police have plans to deal with the mass celebration which will occur, and the Coast Guard has plans to seal off the waters from the inevitable flow of people back and forth. The ever-thoughtful government of The United States has an "Aid" program ready, too, although I'm not quite sure who this will aid. Call me crazy, but any country that has thumbed its nose at Washington for over 40 years might be smug enough to not want aid, or troops, or helicopters.

However, Castro's health problems combined with the ceding of power to his brother caused what one might call a death pre-party in Miami last night. Crowds danced in the streets, shot bullets into the air, and waved flags; it looked as if everyone had quite a fun time. My Cuban friends wince at such behavior; they, like me, wonder just what will really change upon Castro's death. What, God forbid, if things just go on and something we cherish, continuity, results? They were born here and are completely American; unlike their parents and, especially their grandparents, they harbor no thoughts of "going home" when they already are.

I will not be wearing a Castro hat this season. My sister (du Barry) stated clearly on Sunday that Castro hats will not be accepted in the Newport she now reigns over should I join the crowd there next week. Wide brimmed hats flatter my majestic profile much to much to submit to a sporty trend like this; quite frankly, I can't picture silk roses above the brim, either.


At 5:55 AM, Blogger The INFOSEC Consultant said...

Many expats from the Cuban diplomatic community settled in DC in the early years. I can remember having dinner with lots of them, as the cognac was being served (serious drinking) they would would fantacize regarding their return to their stately ancestral homes, legions of cheap staff, and huge tobacco revenues. Yeah, like that is going to happen...

In the UK the BBC had a show where a family of Prussian nobles returned to their family home after it had been inhabited by up to 85 members of the proletariat and then deserted for 35-odd years. Fantasy is almost never reality. (The good Count and Countess were shown stripping paint and their son was feeding the sheep.)

At 11:57 AM, Blogger Jesse said...

Can I get one of those hats in the sequined version??? :)

At 2:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

large silk flower above the brim of a "castro hat"... only YOU my dear, could pull that off. in spades! but that's only because you are a fashion icon!


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