OK, OK, I knew is was Lesbian night last night, but it IS entitled "Pretty Girls who Like Pretty Girls,
and their friends". And these girls have some very hot guys who travel with them in a sort of reverse fag hag role. Riley, Scottie, and I were watching the new arrivals when a girl came in with a gorgeous boy. Here I have to confess that I love Latin boys who wax their eyebrows, I don't know why.

As this vision of Latino beauty came in and was greeted by Ditmar's co-host I grabbed my camera and both Riley and I jumped off our seats in pursuit. One skilled back kick and Riley was knocked back to his chair, but by the time I got through the crowd, the co-host had returned to the DJ, and the couple had outflanked me and were in the back; I grabbed the host saying, "I'd love to take a photo of you and your two friends." "They'd love it!" she said and we took off. As I passed Riley and Scottie I shot them a condescending smirk, but they were all smiles and pulled me over. "It's not a boy!" I looked again; sure he was wearing baggy jeans and a baggy shirt. It's a look of many waxed Latin boys.

They were, however, correct and that viscous bitch, Riley, was saying something like, "OH, that would be rich. Imagine you kissing "him", reaching down, and finding....." and they made a gross sign with their hands and cackled like hens. Her name was Imay and only her girlfriend kissed her last night.

It was a fun night for all; those girls do some serious partying, and Svedka vodka sent a blonde bombshell to dispense hundreds of shots.

Ditmar's parents had just arrived from Austria for their usual fall visit and joined right in, as they always do.

Even Papa found a lesbian his size to get down with. Tiffany and Geraldine put on midnight shows and it was another sensational Pretty Girl night.

A pretty boy walked in with his boyfriend, sat next to us and what do you know? Pretty boy, Adam, is from the same small town in Iowa Riley grew up in, went to the same schools, and probably knew the same lesbians. (That's one in front of them. They were everywhere.) Both Riley and I agreed that this pretty boy was for real, given the package in his tight, cotton shorts.
My gal, Cat, got a big kick out of this post....but she said she has been fooled by a few drag queens so don't feel too bad.
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