Blanche: "Jane, I need to tell you something."
Jane: "Oh, please; not now."
Blanche: "Yes, now. Jane, those emails to the 16-year-old page. You didn't send them like they say. I sent them because you were so mean and so drunk."
Jane: "You mean I gave up my Floridian congressional seat for nothing?"
Blanche: "It's OK, Jane. Go check yourself into rehab, admit you are an alcoholic and they will let you go with a slap on the wrist."
Jane: "Really, Blanche; do you think so?"
Blanche: " Yes, Jane; it doesn't work for the little people, but it does for Republican lawmakers."
Jane: "But, then, shouldn't the entire Bush administration check themselves in also? I mean, they've done so many worse things. I'm so confused."
Blanche: "Jane, I'm dying. Please don't vote Republican this year."
Jane: "I know; I'll get us some ice cream. You always liked ice cream."
OH.MY.GOD. This is your best post EVER!!! Thank you for the laugh - I soooooooooooo needed that! :-)
Ice cream? OH MY!! Gelato maybe?
Are you in rehearsal for the Halloween Ball?
perfect, absolutely perfect.
You know how to lure me. When Bette was nominated for the oscar, Joan did all the backstabbing she could to prevent the academy from awarding it. Classic. Love.
i look in the mirror and see an aging gay man.
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