Although the A/C is fixed, this is what FernanDcute looked and felt like the other night.
As soon as Leopoldo arrived we took off on a club spree. First to Score to meet up with Thomas Barker and Carl of The Wire. At one point the new, straight (?) bartender delivered a quote from Auntie Mame; I shot back, "Auntie Mame says an olive takes up so much space in such a small glass" as he handed a martini to documentary maker and long-time South Beach resident, Andrew delle Plaine, and HE began the avalanche as everyone jumped in. When I told Andrew of our Mame party last Sunday, thoroughly drunk and animated, he shouted, "You and I will start a yearly Auntie Mame convention in South Beach!"
Juicy had just finished a great bingo night where all the prizes were bags of sex toys; many were traded like playing cards or used immediately. Then the two of us flew off to Pasha for dinner before joining more of the gang at Halo.
Jeremiah....Daisy like to go by the name (sometimes) of simply Daisy D, because she is actually a reporter for channel 7 news!!!!
She is still Miss Deadpetals in certain gigs, though.
You are a riot.
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