The Come-Back Kid of South Beach, celebrity bartender Ditmar Perner, will be honored tonight to celebrate his birthday.

The night should be interesting. Ditmar's bar will be a crush of South Beach luminaries and the front bar will be filled with crazed bingo players as it is Juicy's bingo night. Maybe if I look harder I'll find a small storage room with Lesbian fortune tellers, Wonder woman in the meat locker, or a broom closet with an accordionist. It never stops to amaze me what I can run into. Plus tonight will be Leopoldo's formal introduction to Society (or should I say from Society). Whatever; that evil Mrs. Stuyvesant-Fish better not be up to any hijinks tonight.
You are quite right, Jeremiah; they were in my office.
That Ditmar is sooo HOT!! If only I didn't live in the opposite corner of the country!
I wonder if Wilk will b there?
He loves him some Ditmar!!
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