"the" Mrs. Astor

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Neil Bull is back in town, taking care of the BBC's Latin American operations (a job he is oh-so-well qualified for) and--in the absence of Jeremy--responsible for me (a job few are capable or willing to do). But with the presence now of Leopoldo much has been lifted from his shoulders, and he can drink his beer without having to worry about possible assasination attempts on me.

Leo's friends seem to be finally realizing that I am not the monster they feared. Working in this business has its stereotypical worries, but I do not sleep around, am good to my word, and Leo is not "the flavor of the week"; indeed, he has become "the center of the universe" (for me). The Palace courtiers have greatly relaxed now; they have none of the usual, protective fears and are generally satisfied that a great choice has been made. That remains the most amazing aspect of this for that Nest of Vipers called my friends is a hard thing to get around. (Whole armies have fallen to their disdain.) I thank them for agreeing this time.


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