du Barry Has Some Nerve!
The cable that came today read:
"Doll, When is enough....... I know Mr. Astor loves you in drag but you have gone to far. There will be a meeting of the Countesses in Lenox Trancelchusettes To further discuss this mater. A decision will be send to all Parties by the New Year.......Countess du Barry". She is undoubtedly hitting the cooking sherry again, no doubt put up to such shenanigans by her partner in crime, Bedelia. Not only do I have a dossier on du Barry's long, long history of drag (albeit most for charity), but most of them are not very pretty; the Council of Countesses would be very amused. And that other witch from Trannsylchusetts can't stop performing jungle dances in rustic taverns long enough to take care of Castle Bedelia and her subjects who are rumored to have raided her wine cellar.
When I dress in public, it is to increase business and enjoyment. Making Mr. Astor happy is just a nice side line. They must be both hitting the bottle. NO ONE antagonizes The Great Southern Court at the start of winter; it's going to be a long, hard winter up there this year.
Haha..you know that duBarry is staying in Vermont and the cold is starting to get to him. I think that you in your red dress and Mr. Astor in his red shirt make a dashing pair.
Now please aim the cannons in another direction!
And I humbly apologize. I didn't mean "hag"; I was hurried. I meant "witch". It has been corrected.
But, as always, I knew your fashion sense would rule; that's what Mr. Astor does for a living.
Who IS that gorgeous person in the very last picture? That is one incredible face!
Yes, there were lights, but they were eclipsed by my Ferragamo.
That's Tiina (from Finland), our bartender. She's as hot as they come in Findland.
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