It was Latino night at Score and Leopoldo MADE me go out, but not before he donned a pair of the Papi underwear collection I gave him for our anniversary last month. It's sort of "the gift that keeps on giving" and--although I should be ashamed of thinking like that--I'm not.

There were hot girls at Score...

...and there were boys.

Who was she? Mr. Astor is such a chick magnet.

My little friend, Jonathan was feeling it, too.

The Planeta Macho crowd is simply a happy mix of gay and straight Latinos, Latinas, and those who love them. At the end of the evening I got to play the Coppertone dog with my Latino and his Papi underwear.
I should be ashamed of being like that, but I'm not.
play coppertone dog?? gift that keeps on giving!!. youre a riot alice
thanks so much for sharing that lovely "package" with the rest of us! i love getting presents!
cheers from seattle!
Anon: "To the moon, Riley"
Anon2 He's more than a package; he's a gift. Anyone who has ever met him would know.
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