Cabaret continues to dominate the Sundays as they exist here on South Beach; Sunday has always been a hazard of the lifestyle of its inhabitants. This is good, clean fun, and as abominable as that may sound, it is the place to have some blood rushing (if you have any left). Geraldine and
FernandDcute hammer out a wonderful
array of performances to amuse the crowd, and there was a fierce crowd, indeed.

I'm not one for those
wacky conspiracy stories, but I did
photograph a UFO above
FernanDcute's hair. I swear they were trying to read her mind; I even felt a force field of some sort just as my third Mimosa was being served.

Guests are never left wanting for attention or food or coffee. These are experienced girls.

A little story: The first gift I gave to Leopoldo was a strand of pearl rosary beads I bought in an antique shop in San Juan. Upon visiting the cathedral a hub-bub started when the bishop of San Juan got out of his car and started greeting people on the steps. I approached him and asked him to bless the beads, which he did with great glee (they were expensive). After the second week of going out with Leopoldo, I gave them to him (he's Catholic), and when he wore them out the next night,
Ditmar asked him where he got them (
Ditmar is a dollar queen). Leo said I gave them to him and
Ditmar replied, "No, darling; they are not a gift, they are a loan." They
were a gift.

What would a Sunday be without
Yma Sumac? Would someone please tell me.

Every room has to have a
Las Vegas showgirl...

"Crazy" by Patsy Cline was never interpreted so well...

It is difficult to describe how much fun The Queen
Caberet bestows upon this town, but a visit to Gem on a sultry, summer, Sunday afternoon can clear that up. They put so much into making your afternoon a memorable one, that you wonder just what do they reap from it.

On my days off, I like to spend quality time with ladies of quality. Not all of us are nuns, but we preach a rather familiar sermon: Have Fun, For Tomorrow May Be Boring.

Known "ladies about town" did not hesitate to don a bonnet. It's a small town.

Good Lord: These mostly masculine men were transformed into another being with a simple hat.

There were, of course, ladies who exist only to travel from one train depot to another. They are amusing and tolerated for that.

Miss Decker only had to be warned of the imminent threat of Zeppelin attack to look up for the camera.

Danger comes from all sides in this life we lead.
The Baroness
Seitzinger had reached a new goal (with that purchased titled and all). She brazenly announced, "I don't care if it was purchased, or not! My mother worked hard for that." And, for that, we welcome more her more for she opens up road after road of travels down a path gone right

Some where in the darkness of economic chaos and government obstruction, we found what has been there for nearly a year: Love.

We bet on The Derby, we bet on the next person to hit the floor at 4 PM, but most of all we bet on ourselves; and we won.

In the end, we were waiting for a carriage with our bags and our handsome man.
All I can say is "Thank God I brought my own hat home to the Northern Court with me." As it is obvious that these hats, lovingly made by the Countess duBarry, have been passed around SoBe with no honor given to the creator. That said, please have Geraldine pour the coffee when I arrive in the fall.
Oh, please; I have "lovingly" preserved those hats so "lovingly" made by du Barry. Are you sorry you didn't do the same for Rumpy's Tavern?
Thank you.
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