Godzilla's "people" called me about the Mothra posting; in fact, the many postings I've made about her. They accused me of favoritism and--more importantly--of leading a frivolous and pointless existence. Imagine the nerve! Last night Leopoldo and I spent a meaningful evening at Score's karaoke night where we sang the Mothra Song; it took a lot of serious thought in finding that carriage to emerge from, not to mention getting Geraldine to run up those matching gowns.
"Pointless"; well I showed them how shallow I can get. I dragged out an invitation to Godzilla's 30th birthday party thrown at The Saint in New York in 1983 and which I attended. I even shook his hand (maybe THAT was shallow, and he wasn't giving autographs). Anyway, Godzilla has never admitted to being over 35 and suddenly his "people" were oh-so-nice. I have nothing against Godzilla; he's a great star, a real trooper, and--I think--probably gotten a bum rap all these years. But don't dis Mothra, or Leo and I will go on the next American Idol as the twins.
While you are having your "people" call their "people", please have them call RuPaul and tell them that you know The Countess. I don't think I am getting sufficient respect on the Drag Race. After all, I am almost a drag queen myself!
Oh, Countess; first you came down here and tried to take over The Great Southern Court, then you went to The Berkshires and laid claim to a regal place named "Rumpy's Tavern", and what next? Are you in a drag race? Are you mocking Mothra? Is the Glenlivit getting to you? You need a vacation....in South Beach.
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