I know, I know; I've been absent, but don't give me any more shade or you will get my back side. Where does the time go? Especially since you aren't really doing much of anything. Well, we had another night out with Henrietta on Sunday at Dustin Refka's new venue for Click, and that was fabulous. The drag-o-meter was way, way up there, and you know how I like that. But that meant we were out three nights in a row, which is an occupational hazard here. If you go out to one, great party--and if you have been in the club business for a decade--you are inevitably greeted and invited to another. Sometimes you can't get out of it. We had a lovely night out with Mrs. Stuyvesant-Fish on Tuesday where we came to a great accord; we will no longer attack each other and--therefore--be able to direct out sizable clout to "the others". Her peace offering was eloquently displayed in her cable:
It's so good to get together and just giggle and snarl. I'm removing from memorya that reference to my backside being rather Rolls Royce-ish. I think in my delicate state - while noticing yours -that we should remove personal attacks on each other's greatness from discussion. This will leave us to speak of important things likejewels, questionable lineage, other people, Mr. Astor, etcToots,MSF....Peace in our time.
Leopoldo and I scooted from event to event, not making too many waves, but certainly soaking up all that is going on in this town; and what is going on is noteworthy. Today I prepared for the arrival of what is referred in this town is "The New Yorkers"; Bob and Terry now start to snowbird here for the next six months. So, you see, I haven't been asleep at the wheel; just careening.
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