"the" Mrs. Astor

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

I'm actually giving up a night at the film festival and the multitude of cocktails that would ensue to rest for lunch tomorrow with Commissioner Mattie Bower and my buddy Mike Burke. The town (and myself) has been awestruck by the withdrawal of Commissioner Gross from the mayoral race; I've known and worked with him since I moved here ten years ago. It seems that Commissioner Cruz has lined up BOTH the Jewish and Cuban lobbies and, in a small town like this, that can only lead one to expect that a lot of promises have been made. Mattie may not be the sharpest knife in the draw, but she's honest and I want to size her up and tell her of the problems small businesses go through in dealing with The City. It could be a lost cause, but I've been around a long time and seen many Goliaths fall. (And I know another thing: rally the gays and the women and no lobby can beat that.)


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