Every year Twist re-invest

I particularly loved the uneven borders, probably just like the originals.

The lounge and VIP area had a more POP look.
Every year Twist re-invest
"It was a great success we had here tonight," said one of Commissioner Bower's managers and why not? The anniversary of Twist brings out the entire gay community to both enjoy the pleasures of the evening and thank owners, Richard and Joel. Roaming constantly through the two stories and seven bars of Twist brought maximum exposure to that crowd. (We did have to sit her down with the owners of The Palace at one point to rest as her point man ran around to find Richard and Joel.) It was very crowded and very hot in may areas.
An hour and a half to go before arriving at Twist with Commissioner Bower; I doubt if she is ready for the madhouse it will be. Every party monster, promoter, social climber, and moocher will be at the club's seven open bars. Owners Richard and Joel spare no expense to celebrate the anniversary and show off the yearly redesign of the place. Although it may be a great place to see the gay world in full action, it may not be so suited for a political introduction; not when she might be standing between a crowd and an open bar. Oh, well; her handlers wanted it. I'm thinking more of bringing her to The Palace for our gay pride party. We've purchased 100 rainbow flags, and I imagine a fantastic shot of the crowd, flags raised, as she stands at the railing. Remember what I said at lunch: "Win the women and the gays and the election is yours". We did it six years ago for Mayor Dermer. Alas, he turned out to be the usual scumbag, looking like a bad Las Vegas act; that's politics (or show biz).
Some more photos from the last Latino night in the back bar.
Ray’s Latino Night in the back bar ended last night. It was not “the burning of Atlanta” some thought; it was more like the scorching of Hialeah. And for all their tough looks and gang hand gestures, they were really the softess bunch of pansies around; I got to know almost every one and found them caring and wonderful.
I've been trying all day to come up with an excuse to not attend the White Party tonight. After a liquid lunch with Mrs. Stuyvesant-Fish (who is in lock-down at 8 PM), I went to have my hair done and, particularly, my tips frosted. While sitting in the chair while the lovely Ana Sylvia fussed about my mane, the salon played a concert of Donna Summer's. It was an epiphany. I would wear red; in fact the same one in this picture of me taken just but a few years ago.
Liquid lunch with a woman of such social magnitude as Mamie, can give birth to great ideas. To Hell with ideals.
What began as an indulgent feast with Thomas on Friday slowed down to a crawl on Saturday as a Caribbean storm sent bands of severe rain over us for two days, hampering movement but not the drag show. I made a very brief appearance on Saturday for Thomas' sake and just who was at the top of the grand staircase with a margarita in hand? Yes, Mrs. Stuyvesant-Fish, with a grin that only a social matron who had just chewed through her leather bed restraints and escaped could have had.
For the first time in months, I did what I wanted: I spent a Sunday afternoon with KiKi instead of a bunch of fools dancing and drinking.