We finally had a lovely weekend of no visitors and gracefully waltzed from bar to bar, party to party without any pressure to do bad things, like leading the Bunny Hop with a lampshade on the head.

Leopoldo and I have just been gagging on the Great Oprah Winfrey
KFC Flap. I thought that woman was smarter than she apparently is. Who in their right mind would post a coupon on their popular site that gave away a free meal of
KFC's new grilled chicken at a time when many people can't adequately feed themselves or their family. Honey, get out of your bubble; there is a depression out there and while you can delight an audience by giving them each a now-obsolete Pontiac, even you in all your grandness can't feed a hungry nation where one in ten people need food stamps. Wrote one disappointed coupon-holder,
"I went over to our nearest KFC a few minutes ago (this was around 42nd and Park)and chaos ensued. Despite the very visible grilled chicken behind the register, the manager told everyone with coupons to leave and that the promotion was over for the day. The people there are currently holding a sit-in and refusing to leave until they get their free chicken...or the cops are called. Racial epithets were being spewed, people who actually wanted to pay for chicken were facing a potential beatdown, and the manager ran from the screaming horde. Oprah, what have ye wrought?"Ever since the panic at our outside dinner when a baby possum approached (probably wondering what we were feasting on), I have been fending off general disgust for the creatures. Miami Beach has possums instead of squirrels; they are everywhere, totally nocturnal, and simply like to be left alone. Even, Miss Vickie--who visited the
Exxxotica Show this weekend with the ravishing Penelope and is one of the most kind and generous people I know--winced when I told her of the possum family living in the back yard. Yes, they are ugly, but that is no reason to hate them; I find them rather interesting and I recently started putting out fruits and vegetables (they love
Brussel sprouts) for them at night. Leopoldo even saw one mother possum carry a banana off to her babies huddled in the bushes.

So, last night I left out some leftover meatloaf and cream cheese and both of us waited. Now my meatloaf has been feeding the
Mens' Wear Dept. of Saks and most of the bartenders in town for some time (discounts and free drinks must be maintained), so it was no surprise to see the possum family come out for the feast. Yes, I know they are ugly, but so is promising to feed a nation with
KFC and then saying you had "no idea how bad it is out there".
free greasy chicken is usually a good thing, i just hesitate to stand in line for an hour to save five bucks
I was under the impression that Oprah was pushing it for the fact that it was "grilled". She apparently even did some demonstration on the show. Doesn't matter...we don't have one on Miami Beach anyway. That's KFC; we have plenty of Know-It-Alls.
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