"the" Mrs. Astor

Friday, June 25, 2010

So, after three hours, my devoted computer expert restored by little baby back to me without losing any files. As he worked, he talked of nightmarish scams and schemes to hack away and eat out computers. It makes you not want to leave the house.
Will, Robbie, and David represent one of the new married "couples" in town; the three of them exist as an entity in a town given to excess. (OK, I have been since informed they are not couples in any sense of the word. I only report what is squawked in my ear.)
Robbie, one of a trio was totally enjoying the attention he received from both boys and girls.
...but--as always--the night disintegrated into complete hedonism; those poor girls.
Before we went out on the town two weeks ago, we met Henrietta for a afternoon libation at Twist. That hair has always been out there, but that day it was Other-Worldly.
There was one sultry, Miami night two weeks ago where we accompanied Henrietta out on the town. Always the wise one, she wore a a sequined top which radiated both glamor and comfort. Mr. Astor always exudes both.

We spent one week decorating Twist for its seventeenth anniversary party June 30. After working days and nights, all is done. Tomorrow is the birthday party; I'm so exhausted.


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