"the" Mrs. Astor

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

In a few minutes we will head off to the dreaded mainland for dinner at the Wilmerding's home on the west side of Biscayne Bay. I'm bringing a salad I saw Rachel Ray make while at the gym (it is a basically gay gym, so if you are not watching the screen with The Food Channel, you are probably watching The House and Garden one); I made up a dressing using some of her ideas and some of mine and that will be the thing to watch as I had little time after we got home from happy hour at Twist. There is some talk--and Mr. Astor is all excited--about taking their boat out for a spin around the bay. Maybe I'm a little too cautious, but a boat ride after a dinner with lots of food and wine doesn't sound like too good of an idea. Appropriate boating outfits have been donned, just in case.

Well, Baroness Seitzinger's carriage will be pulling up to the gate any minute. She's had the nerve to remove her baronial crests off the doors and replace them with ducal after that moment of drunk thinking and I awarded her the title of Duchess of Sangria. She is relentless in her social climbing, but a ride is a ride.


At 4:41 AM, Blogger Ed Grow said...

Both Craig and I are all moved in and await a visit from you and Mr. Astor. Half an hour south of SF?

Your constant jibes about landlocked Midwestern states make me homesick...

At 8:49 PM, Blogger Glitzy said...

Nice to see you are still in blog land!

At 8:50 PM, Blogger Glitzy said...

Nice to see you are still in blog land, Mrs. A


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