Well, after a two month rest--which was much needed--I am back; and with a vengeance.THAT started this morning. Being a light sleeper, I heard footsteps in the back yard and peered out to this rather motley looking character walking around the property. I immediately sprang to action, something I haven't done in two months.

I immediately took out my uniform for the Imperial
Uhlan regiment and
dusted of it's now gleaming sword. Yes that is me in full uniform. I figured if the sword did scare him, the uniform and my serious gaze would.

Then I had a thought. Miami low-lifes
(I think that's all they produce down here) would more likely to be frightened of a machete, so I dragged out some low-life outfit from the drag box and prepared to do battle.

The the idea popped up (I have a lot of ideas) that perhaps a shotgun was the answer and--with good luck, could probably take down three with one well-aimed blast. Then the call came; it was the gardeners saying that--since they hadn't been here in two weeks--that they were just assessing the needs of the property. Now, I've seen some of the young, Latino gardeners before. Some are just a nasty as an old fruitcake. But others are luscious like a canoli.

So I devised an outfit for the next unannounced visit. It is a mostly modest dress that hides a Derringer in the apron for those ugly ones. For the cuties, I made a dress with only the least amount of thread holding on the buttons. I figure once they eat my cookies, they can tear off my dress and have a real meal. It's just a thought.
Meanwhile, I have oodles to report about what has been going on here behind my back and won't hesitate to name names.