Thursday, March 31, 2005
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Tuesday, March 29, 2005

An Evening with The "Lady" Bunny could only begin with an intimate discussion about her outfit. It was futuristic and at the same time comforting; it brought to our faces a smell of something familiar and yet foul. She was a nightmare brought to cuddle us. She made everyone laugh. She is a goddess. She is a pig. She is us.
Sunday, March 27, 2005

At 11:00 in the morning I was having breakfast with a client at The Palace when we both looked at each other and said, "Do you see what I see?" We both whipped out our identical cameras (Sony 7.2 Cybershots) and captured this. The amazing thing to me was that there was no advertising here, no flyers being passed out; he had got up today to ride around town like this.....
There was this night; we both tried to make it over the street to The Roxy. Traffic was a nightmare; our drink tickets were waiting. Well, one of us made it across the street to The Roxy, and one of us didn't. Fortunately, for me, Brandywine was hosting the party in the VIP room. She never liked rats.
Saturday, March 26, 2005

OK, OK, I know I complained about having Easter dinner outside, but it turned out fine. I made a white bean, Polish sausage, and collard greens soup, and Terry made stuffed potatoes, green bean casserole, and (of course) baked ham. We didn't have dessert because we are all on a diet; but we did have extra red wine. But THAT'S healthy; don't you know that?

I'm so tired from Conference Week, that I almost can't type. Oh, I can still do a lot of other things that don't involve my fingers. Before I start another evening (we are having Easter Dinner tonight outside even though it was 92 today.), I want to post a photo of my favorite Bulgarian in the whole, wide world: Boris of the Palace staff. Although (unfortunately) straight, he is the most gay friendly man I have ever met. A gem.
Friday, March 25, 2005
The great photographer of New York nightlife, Tina Paul, capturing me fixing the "bustle" of Angel Jack at The Roxy. In my day, a bustle was placed a bit more lower on the torso; but who am I to judge progress. if you want to visit something really "fierce", to to
Tina Paul
My hero.
I met Tina in April of 1989 at Mars Nightclub in New York. There had not been a more serious grovel to sensuality since Studio 54, and we were the only two "photogs" allowed into the place. Of course, we both knew all the personalities already: Lahoma van Zandt, the Lady Bunny, Larry Tee, RuPaul, Leigh Bowery, The It Twins, Goldilocks, James St. James, a budding Amanda LePore, Perfidia (perhaps one of the greatest DJ's of the period), Keoki, Alig, and on, and on. Along with Tina, I feasted on the photographic delights of these creatures of the night. Tina was my mentor; she had a determination, a sense of what was perfect for the moment, and winning personality, and humility. I adored being able to accompany her at every event; we became inseparable. Her girlfriend, the Lady Arhlene, stood in the background and made sure there were no problems. Also, she served a great dinner party. There was, and is, only ever one word which summed up Tina Paul and it was FIERCE.
After an accident, I fell out of touch with many of my friends, but worked (with the help of my dear, friend Mr. PageSixSixSix) in the last six months to stop attending my own wake and enjoy life again. Meeting Tina, again, reaffirmed my belief that I made the right decision in "coming out" back into society.
Thursday, March 24, 2005

God Almighty, I ran into Tina Paul and her long-time girlfriend, Arlene during Music conference tonight. Tina and I started out as youngsters in NYC with cameras in our hands crawling through the tunnels and gutters of NYC in search of amusement and memories. These two gals have supported each other through the years in ways that most people would be so enviable of. We went through club openings, club murders, and club closings without ever being anything but entertained and, at the same time, collecting history on film. Tina is probably the most important historian of New York club life in modern times. Arlene is the support to that, a charming woman, and a great hostess. I'm glad you two are visiting for two weeks. You will add to my life for that period.

Like so many moments of my day, I walked out of the house without great fanfare (i.e. a loud announcement) and found the sister and husband of my housemate, Terry being BAD in the pool. Being in love with your mate for life is so wonderful, as well is the fact that I ALWAYS have a camera in my pocket.
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Tuesday, March 22, 2005

The crowd at the door to Crobar was rather frightening, but Bunny, me, and her entourage barged up to the ropes and she screamed, "I'm Mykul Stevens' drug dealer. Let me in." There was an audible silence and Mykul looked up, everyone gasped, and Bunny said, "Oh, was I too loud?" God bless the Queen Mum.
Monday, March 21, 2005

There's an awful amount of drama going on in this town. There's the Spring Breakers strutting around wearing next to nothing and The Winter Music Conference starts tonight at Crobar with Frankie Knuckles and, my old friend, Larry Tee leading the pack. "Madness reigns" is an understatement. (Although, I'd give the guy another chance to do me right before stabbing him with that nasty dagger.)