"the" Mrs. Astor

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Penis Cloud Invasion Looms

And they thought I was crazy!!! www.misterbrian.blogspot.com


At 5:32 PM, Blogger Countess Bedelia said...

My Dear Mrs. Astor,

I never doubted you for a minute. If I ever saw such a vision in the sky, I might believe in a higher power or an alien invasion...LOL!
It was the description of the sandy testicles that lent credibility to your story and now we have a picture, thanks to Mr. Brian. I must ask him if this was in the New England sky. There might be hope for me yet!!

The Countess

At 5:52 PM, Blogger Officer Brian said...

I'm sorry Countess...judging by the street signs in the picture, it looks like it might be in FL. Where else would there be such big CUMulus clouds!

At 5:52 PM, Blogger Officer Brian said...

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At 6:00 PM, Blogger Countess Bedelia said...

Oh, Mr. Brian. That Mrs. Astor has all the luck. Of course the big penis invasion will start on South Beach!!

The Countess

At 7:00 PM, Blogger Alexis du Bois said...

It may be luck, but it's not Dumb Luck.

Alas, I guess I with be The Leader they ask to see. I can see it now: Standing on the top step of The Palace entrance, my gloved hands outstretched in the universal symbol of friendship, and my hooped skirt blowing up from the strategically placed wind machines. (You can't always count on a hurricane.)

At 2:04 AM, Blogger Officer Brian said...

It would be like the movie "The Day The Earth Stood Still" but in color...and fabulous cocktails and appetizers.

At 1:51 PM, Blogger Ian Gutierrez said...

I´ve been the whole morning liyng on my terrace trying to find some invader...

I´ll try again tomorrow (this time face down) wish me luck!

At 2:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

when i go to heaven... *that's* the cloud i want to ride.

At 6:00 PM, Blogger Alexis du Bois said...

Great! What better use for my childhood cloud costume. Stay on the stomach, Ian; I'll be in there before you know it!


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