I had thought the ship of state would be sailing a calm and steady course after the holidays. Leopoldo and I celebrated our six month anniversary yesterday, a great number of events were being planned in a coordinated manner for once, and--well--things looked great. Then two days ago, Ramon (the "ex" with whom we shared a generally good relationship and finally had secured a great job) was mauled by a pit bull allowed to run loose in Flamingo Park. What infuriates me is that those dogs are illegal here and, yet, owners are allowed to walk them around and even set them loose. The authorities here will maniacally obsess about how you place your chairs or planters, how loud your music is even at 6 PM, but won't protect the population against unlawful attack dogs kept as pets.

So sorry to hear about Ramon. Just when things seem to have settled down. Let us know how he is doing.
Lucy and Kiki look so happy to be with you. Kiki is amazing. He must be about 100 years old in human years! Must be all those casseroles lovingly made in mother's kitchen!!
How awful - I can't even imagine such a thing. I'll be thinking of Ramon.
I've heard about the famous Kiki! It's obvious he's a love.
My wonderful tuxedo kitty Figaro, just turned 16. He's the feline love of my life and has been through hell and back with me.
I am so sorry to hear about Ramon and hope he makes a speedy recovery! I hope whoever let the Pit Bull run loose in Flamingo Park is punished accordingly!
Lucy and Kiki looks so happy around you that it made me smile.
I hope Ramon is doing well, but I must offer a defense for the dog who attacked him. I've known some truly wonderful Pits thanks to my late aunt CJ. I blame the owner for letting the dog run uncontrolled and for not training it properly in the first place.
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