It was resoundingly decided by Society that Mrs. Styuvesant-Fish had to be honored for being captured on security film trying on a leopard coat at Saks after shopping at Cartier during a depression. Few of us have the gumption to do that, even in our most brazen, drunken states. One thing I remembered at this photographic point: Her eyes remained semi-closed but gently fluttering, as if struggling under the weight of her fame....
The Baroness Seitzinger quite-rightly decided to award Mamie the trophy of the most Opulent Spender of the month (therefore hiding her own indiscretions).

And poor Jeffrey Donovan of the Miami-based series, Burn Notice, was arrested on a DUI charge after leaving the Fountainbleu headed to his home. Personally, if I had been that cop he almost collided into, I would have given him some slack after a hefty pat-down. But it brings back the old thought: If you have enough money to do what you want, why don't you hire a driver? Still, I'll be holding a candle-light vigil for him any time he wants.
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