You know Season has begun when there is a drag queen scandal in the papers; it's what Central Casting sends for "What South Beach Really Means To Me?" Shelley
Novak has
succeeded in capturing the stage in a long-fought war for attention with a seemingly innocent comedy of error. After a recent benefit for animals, she picked up her fake fur and went home with Adora's camera (reported in the paper to be in the pocket, but told to me by Shelley to have fallen into a tear of the lining--a MUCH more believable account). Adora called, Shelley looked and found the camera, and invited her over to return it.
The rest is South Beach history. Yes, Season has taken off.

Call me silly, but I find it difficult not to like Captain Jack
Harkness (John
Barrowman) of the
Torchwood series. Recently I came across this delightful little
Youtube exhibit using clips of Captain Jack, time traveler, visiting Captain Jack during the Blitz in London.
We think it's precious. And, just who doesn't love a man in uniform--especially one who is
omni-sexual? Show me that person and, I will show you someone kidding themselves (and probably a Christian Republican).
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