Everyone in the world--as described as South Beach Society--knows that Mrs. Stuyvesant-Fish and me have been jockeying for Society, Latino boys, the rights to all the books of Good Manners. There are other things, too; but decent society wouldn't discuss them. Non-the-less, I --in a moment of extreme weakness--told Mamie that I missed her greatly, because she is a great person....period. I don't miss many people. She asked for me to send the The Twist Harrier Jet to save her from Nashville. I tried to oblige, but the jet was already being sent to rescue Pia
I don't know why I get so moody that I don't post. I have a great job that I love and work with fun people, I have a boyfriend--who for the ups and downs--has been supportive and handsome, and I have the best friends and connections in The City. I don't know, but I trance off some time into this universe of confusion. Anyway, here is The White Party.
To the great relief of some and the consternation of many others, The Baroness Seitzinger's foot was NOT amputated after her accident. Just one shoe was stolen in the EMR. An immediate demand is made for the return for this shoe, and--just in case there was any doubt--there are no negotiations with shoe terrorists. Either return the shoe, or face the entire resources of a bankrupt city to find it or....pay a handsome ransom for the match, and we will call it even.