I've been carried away by dachshunds, drag queens, and a devoted husband. But, Mr. Astor and I summoned up the strength last night to accompany our beloved Henrietta from The Palace to Twist for the infamous Warsaw Ballroom party. The Warsaw Ballroom was probably the reason I moved to Miami. It was the first place I saw large numbers of Latino boys, and I liked it ( a lot). I hit the accelerator and never looked back, and I am now married to the most handsome Latino in town.

It was a bit surreal with nearly naked boys rubbing against--I won't call them midgets--height-challenged guys in green wigs,.

I am so glad that chainmail is making a fashion comeback; I remember the good old days when gladiators would knock down the door for a date. Only Mario can pull off this look so effortlessly, but again, I'm singing the praise of a Latino. My fate was sealed when I walked in the door of The Warsaw Ballroom in November 1989.
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