The White Party

Dear, dear, dear; that bloody holiday is finally over. After cooking all day, I watched the event turn into a Neronian pool orgy; no amount of good advice prevailed, and I politely excused myself from it. That pool has been the worst attraction for the worst behaviour for five years.
Tomorrow there will be a most interesting meeting of the City Commission during which the issue of whether to allow The Palace to hold "female impersonation" shows on their own terrace. This city has a history--in the making for the past ten years--of trying to regulate everything, everywhere. How many plants you can have outside your business, or a neon light in the window, or the mat at your door; they all need over-paid city employees, eager to justify their jobs, to constantly roam the streets. It all reminds me of one commissioner--typical of this town--, Nancy Leibman, an over-zealous Jewish grandmother who somehow got on the commission (it doesn't take much, mind you). She set out to place her stamp on everything from food displays by restaurants to making their umbrellas match; she didn't last long (although we did enlist her help in blocking a more dangerous woman, Congresswoman Elaine Bloom from winning as mayor).
The Countess Bedelia was such a dear in a tender email she sent about KiKi's health. She's been through this before and knows what I'm going through now. Fortunately, although he had lost control of his hind legs some days back, the effects apparently reversed themselves as he was running in the park yesterday and, when I stopped by today, he ran to me and actually tried to jump up on my legs. He just keeps chugging along.
What is it about the power a pet dog has over us, the power of making us their pets. They have powers of hypnosis: the power to make you feel guilty when you leave them, the power to convince you to feed the something really special, or the ability to make you believe that no human can give you the unconditional love they can--on the condition that you feed and walk them. It's all there in those eyes. I've been hypnotized for many years.
I met up with Mrs. Stuyvesant-Fish for a glass or two of medicinal sherry yesterday; I was particularly moved that she had declined to go out on Friday since we were under the weather and she felt that there was no sense of appearing at Ye Old Gin Hall without the Astors to spar with. Actually, she spars with me and paws at Mr. Astor. We sat with the with the great financial minds of Baron Irwin and Sir Pimpernel; their gloom and doom scenario of our future was enough to make anyone drink and jump off a cliff (if there were one in Miami).Well, that was quick; one day on my death bed and it's over. Of course, I will be careful and stay away from the gin halls for a day or so, but taking care of a sick husband for three days as well as the stress of a sick dog has taken its toll. After taking the antedote to every sickness: shopping, I have to straighten up La Casa. It actually looks like there was a whole ward of sick people here with all the medicine, blankets, and thermometers lying around. Why if the Duchess of Cornwall were to surprise me with a visit, I'd be mortified (and not altogether uncertain Mrs. S-F didn't put her up to it).
Woe is me; I have caught Mr. Astor's cold while soothing him for the past two days. I don't take well to sickness; when it does fall upon me I tend to act like those elephants in old Tarzan movies that lumbered to The Graveyard of the Elephants and collapsed over. Now we are both sick. Received a cable for Mrs. Stuyvesant-Fish starting off with Dear Battleaxe, and proposing that she come over and give a hot oil massage to Leopoldo. I needn't write what I replied.
I've listened for days on how the Bush administration has been quickly maneuvering to implement laws to protect their interests in the final weeks of their ill-gotten power. Presidential orders, GOP-lead congressional passages are all making their way to the finish line like a Derby afternoon. It seems like the final pangs of a world about to end, but about to impose their final thoughts upon a nation tired and fed up with them.
Le Compt Larmot kisses Lady Stewart after raising the rainbow flag over Twist.
That was a fun day. But what doesn't sound fun is tomorrow's protest against the ban on gay marriages at City Hall. What are these organizers thinking? The mayors and the commissioners have consistently supported every gay issue and bill 100%, even in defiance of the county and state. Not one person involved in this has adequately explained the choice of protesting at the one institution here that has been on our side. What about Police Headquarters? How about starting the protest at the one place that refused to symbolically hoist the flag the other day and the one place where vehement anti-gay actions still spew out despite all the "sensitivity training"?
There is a reason why Miami Beach, with its large gay population, remains so poorly organized and bad planning like this is the main one. It makes you just want to stay by the pool.
The new regimen continues: out of bed by 6.30 AM, to the gym by 7.30, out by 9 and at the helm of my ship of projects by 9.30. Mr. Astor is a cruel trainer, even when I cry out for mercy. My arms have joined the revolt led by my legs.
We were nearly brought to tears by Keith Obermann's passionate comment on Prop 8 and gay marriage. He and Rachel Maddow are nightly favorites. I used to be somewhat conservative, but those were in the days when that meant not spending more than you took in, respecting individual rights like keeping out of the bedroom, and staying out of foreign conflicts unless our own security was in jeopardy. Of course, Grover Cleveland was president then.
The pain, the pain... Of? The economy, the specter of Sarah Palin will raise its ugly hairdo again in our lifetime? No; it is the very real pain of the sadistic workings of Leopoldo in making me get up an second day at the crack of dawn to undergo his personal training at the new David Barton Gym here. I love the place itself; it is sort of a hybrid of a Turkish palace and the movie Metropolis.
I greatly miss the crazy days of the past few years. I have benefited from the most amazing relationship I could ever have fallen into, though. I am a happy person. Still, I look back and happily recall: