Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010

Today is my secret party and--as usual--I'm fretting over details; I wish I could just retire from this nonsense, but I see no escape.
Friday, April 23, 2010

As Ed Grow says? It's good to be back". Amen to that!
Gay Pride at The Victor Hotel 2010

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

There will always be those who dream of miraculous, even glamorous escapes as there will certainly be those who cash in on them. In the end, it is still just a dream. Mafalda never left that concentration camp alive as Anastasia never left that basement.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sunday, April 11, 2010
Douglas and Henry's lunch was a lovely event and everyone enjoyed their usual gracious hospitality. Although I've been at their home here many times, it seemed as if all the periods had been put on the sentences; it was a magnificent feeling to be there.
Oh....And I called Countess Bedelia to check in on her arrival plans this week. I could sense that she was in her carriage and asked where she was. "Between Courts", she pompously declared. When I asked how the antenna on her carriage was making it through the heavily-treed roads of Transylchusetts, she exclaimed that "...the peasants cut them down". It's going to be an interesting weekend coming up.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
I didn't know it, but at the very same time that Hindenburg of hot air, Mrs. Stuyvesant-Fish, was talking trash about me to former Palace owners, Doug and Henry at Twist. They called and invited me to a cookout today at their fabulous mansion and asked if I would mind if Mamie came, too. I assured them it was fine, because if there is one thing certain in life it is to keep your enemies close. I'll be leaving to pick her up shortly; I have a poison-tipped hatpin at the ready should she try something, but I wince at the thought of how hard I would have to push it in her to really matter.
Friday, April 09, 2010
No one likes jury duty; it is a human humiliation. The only notable part of it is you know that, in the pool of Miami, there are so few US citizens without a criminal record, that you are open game for it. So, acknowledging what Amanda and Henreitta have accomplished in the courtroom, I submit the theory that one might avoid their "civic", unpaid duty by being a cross-dresser.
Thursday, April 08, 2010

What ever happened to Democracy; if I were being tried, I would want a jury of my peers.
Saturday, April 03, 2010
Oh, well; you don't invite ten people for dinner and mope all day. So Terry and I set the tables, ironed and folded the napkins and stuffed the eggs full of fun surprises. The day was not without incident, though; I was making a banana cream pie and it somehow slipped off the plate. The mess was gruesome, but I always have two of everything ready for such a disaster and pie two was made. I realized I could let that windbag, Mrs. Stuyvesant-Fish or that snarky Baroness Seitzinger be allowed to say that today would be anything but excellent. Now I have to find an outfit with some color; chiffon would be nice, but it IS an early evening event.
Ever since that knock on the head, I've been sinking deeper and deeper into depression. We are having Easter dinner later today (along with the infamous egg hunt), some of the highest of the high in Beach society are coming and I can't seem to pull it together. Mr. Astor is beside himself trying to lift me up with everything from a dog to Prada, and I still find myself drifting away from him, away from my friends, just away. Depression is such a funky thing; a cut heals but this totally consumes you.