Well, so far my tee totaling has not hindered our social existence, something I feared. I am determined to maintain that same schedule and position while keeping the circle of friends I have developed over the last decade. It is difficult, though.
However....one great thing has come about. I have shed about fifteen pounds during this rough period and my waist went down from a 36 to a 34. "Big deal" one can say, but you have to realize that I have shrunk into Mr. Astor's size (he has actually gone down to a 32). This is akin to winning the Fashion Lottery; a wealth of Versace, D & G, Gucci, Prada and more are now at my beckoning. There is, of course, the length issue; Mr. Astor is two inches taller than I am. But as long as there is a needle and thread, or even pins or masking tape, the loot is for the taking. I think will throw open the doors of his bulging closet and pronounce, "You now belong to me!"