More photos of Leopoldo's birthday celebration.
All the worries seemed to evaporate in the final hours of Leopoldo's party. I kept saying, "Don't worry about the actual performance of the number. I have it completely rehearsed in my mind." And even our driver remarked, "You have everything detailed out to the minute. How do you do that?" Well, you do it because that is the only way you can get it all done: split-second timing.
The day is here, the moment almost. After a week of feverish preparation, interminable shopping, wacky hat-making, painful shoe-squeezing, and frantic wig-brushing, Mr. Astor's birthday is here and the celebration is about to begin. In a scant three hours or so, I will submit to the only request Leopoldo had of me for his birthday: a performance. It would be oh so easy just to go shopping for a present, but I guess--if you really love someone--you give them what the want. A return to the stage is not the best choice for a woman of my social magnitude, and Mrs. Stuyvesant-Fish said she would be on hand if only to have me drummed from the garden club. But, then, there's not a little bit of jealousy there; since her husband long ago chose death to dealing with her scandals, Mamie has only her charitable reading room students to keep her company.
Concern about flood waters rising along with the price of everything, Big Oil raping a blind country while its partners in crime, The Bush war criminals and profiteers, grin knowingly, and surely the beginning of the end, food riots in Milwaukee, can all be finally put aside. The announcement that Versace has teamed up with Lamborghini to produce the Lamborghini Mercielago has put all worries to rest that there is any hope for this world.
...and so is Tim Russett. One day after he was buried and eleven after he died on the job, we awoke to yet another tribute on him on CNN. Surely he was a good man, and a brilliant journalist, and Sunday will never be the same...but he wasn't Abraham Lincoln. I doubt by the deep mourning MSNBC is exhibiting that it will ever be the same; will Keith Obermann even take off the black armband in one year, let alone move on to purple?
Mr. Astor is a party animal. I didn't create this; instead, I awakened the inner monster. After a frivolous afternoon at Score celebrating a belated birthday for the vivacious Cosette with Pimpernel, we should have simply gone the block and one half home where I was prepared to cook a sumptuous dinner. Instead, Leopoldo did his best Dawn Davenport and demanded cha-cha heels and a trip to Twist; as usual, I don't know how to say "no" to him. We cavorted with the owners and patrons until some point I don't remember; you know, don't remember leaving but left, don't remember going home but did, etc. Then this morning we awake to find we have lost our wallets. The horror! Cards were cancelled, but I told my honey I would continue to search for them as it was a most unlikely situation. After he left, I did my best Hercule Poirot and noticed something strange: My clothes were in the kitchen and I never take them off there. Furthermore, there was another pile of clothes beside the door. I opened the door and saw change on the ground and went into the back yard to find not only more clothing, but two wallets.