Thursday, February 28, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Tllhe 15th annual Shelley Novak awards took place at Score on Monday night, and although I protested that I was too tired to attend an event that is notoriously late, Leopoldo dragged me (oops) kicking and screaming to it. All for the better; it was well-attended and quite fun.
And, there is no rest in sight. Tonight the entire Great Northern Court arrives du Barry from Newport, Bedelia from Transylchusetts, Officer Brian from Boston, and even The Bishop has docked his yacht at the Miami marina for a few days visit.
No, there will be no rest for a week or so, maybe never.
Monday, February 25, 2008

I promised Scott Simpson, in self-imposed exile in Cleveland Ohio, that I would pick up the pace of posting; it is so easy to drop the pen when you have someone like Mr. Astor to play with. However, tonight we are called out for the Academy Awards of Drag, The Shelley Novak Awards. Of particular interest for us is the opening show of one of the the nominees, our very own Geraldine and her Queen Cabaret.
As a card-carrying member of PETA, I could not entertain the thought of attending while dragging (oops) a mink or even an ermine cape as I enter. But, I can assure the public that the bigs guns, the big jewels, will come out tonight. As a young society girl I had always heard that the older you get the bigger the gems become, and it is so true. One only has to look at The Baroness Seitzinger to see that; in that case I would add the more you spend for your title, the more you spend on your jewels. Mrs. Stuyvesant-Fish is another example, but she just keeps losing her rings during those romantic moments in her reading room. Oh, well; it is Miami Beach, after all, and if you can't wear it, flaunt it, and lose it all in one evening, you deserve to be in Cleveland.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
EXTRA, EXTRA: Palace Sold

Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Thursday, February 14, 2008
"...Please no Fan Fare.....du Barry"

Fortunately, Leopoldo has been busily adding to my wardrobe and focusing on jeweled outfits. If there's going to be no "Fan Fare" with this visit, I may as well sparkle a little more than usual. (God knows that the greatest fan fare of all, Mrs. Stuyvesant-Fish, will no doubt be lurking behing every bush and buffet table that week.) "...Please no Fan Fare..." She's hitting the bottle again.
No, we just needed a reason to post another picture of Thomas Barker and Geraldine. We had a great night toasting Scott Simpson while lamenting his imminent departure. (Any excuse to drink, some said.)
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
We have always taken our band of friendship for granted and today Scottie bemoaned that loss, but things change and people move on, even from this island in paradise. Thank God for Leopoldo.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Talking About Bad Girls...
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Countess Bedelia has prodded me to post something about the week. Who knows where the time goes when you have someone like Mr. Astor on your hands? In addition to being just as much of a social Godzilla I am, he can drink me one-to-one. Plus, he likes to eat as much as I like to cook, so I'm constantly thinking up new dinner ideas. There is also the clothing situation; we are continuing the sorting out of the move and all that came with it. And I got a threatening letter from Mrs. Styuvesant-Fish about the quip of seeing her knee prints int he sand. Who else wears knee-high paisly stockings? Tell me that!
Monday, February 04, 2008
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Saturday, February 02, 2008