The far, outer bands of Hurricane Gustav made for a very unsettled day and all eyes are on the unpredictable, Hannah, now. I've already made plans to secure the property in case of the worse, but no one knows what will happen now. I met Leopoldo at Twist to cavort with the scrumptous Tommy Decker after work when I recieved the call.
I saw it the moment I entered the gin hall: the rump roast of Mrs. Stuyvesant-Fish, and I whacked it with my parasol. To my surprise, something that fortified, something that makes the Maginot Line look like a line in the sand, something that--well--is magnificent, actually felt the assault. It was, of course, a premeditated attack for Mamie had already cabled me about my husband, "I shall not be man-handled during the daylight hours or otherwise.Please ensure his hands are properly restrained to ensure my safety,security and maintenance of said good name and reputation."
We stayed out way too late, drank way too much, and spewed way to many compliments, but Twist's Turnabout brought about the most charming of it's employees' feminine sides.
...Dressing as a member of the opposite sex and "turning about" (usually with a drink in hand).
Leopoldo didn't actually have the whole weekend off, just Friday and Sunday so it is like a three-day weekend with time out. After waking me at the crack of dawn to ride our bikes over the Venetian Islands to Miami and back, he let me take care of a few business matters. After some obligatory shopping, we chose a quiet afternoon at home cleaning the pool and trimming those annoying ferns which seem to want nothing but to jump in the pool. It's like Day of the Triffids; every week we cut them back and one week later they are drooping into the pool. I hate nature, but the the excuse to get Leopoldo into the pool every week for "trimming the ferns" allows for plenty of boyish shenanigans. So, Nature do your thing.
I didn't want to go, although I had been warned a week earlier about the birthday of a colleague of Leopoldo's; still I conspired to get out of it. Simple reasoning didn't work as I got The Sad Look (and I can't deal with that). Injuring myself wouldn't work; days earlier in a radical turn into the driveway I had an encounter with a tree branch that left me with a band aid on the bridge of my nose. "Nobody will notice it," Leo said. "Right," I thought, "an entire room of fashionistas will think it's a nose job." So I decided on an old course of action, Culinary Warfare, and presented a four-course Italian dinner--usually a sure TKO. But the dinner just energized him, especially the dessert of raspberry sorbet topped with cream and a raspberry sauce made with soon-to-be-history raspberries (I love whipping up near death items) and blackberry brandy (another pint of which I had downed in a testing while making it). I resigned myself to traveling to Miami at night, one of my biggest nightmares.