Monday, March 31, 2008
Sunday, March 30, 2008
That Moon Is Bright
If you look closely, you can see the same facial features in the father.
Saturday, March 29, 2008

The City of Miami Beach has never recovered, mentally, from the riots during the hip-hop Memorial Weekend--the so-called Urban Festival--of six years ago. Since then The Commission shudders any time a request for a music festival is brought up and, if it has to do with youth or popular culture, you know what the answer will be. Little by little--by taking away the small, moderate-priced hotels and issuing permit after permit to turn them condo, by denying the right to hold a City-approved street festival, and even the pursuit to turn back the closing times of clubs--The City is strangling the Industry of Having Fun. And while city officials ponder every possible way to hassle businesses with draconian laws, most of them on on the take one way or another. Last week three more department heads were arrested for taking bribes; one even had the developer stuff money in a City Hall toilet paper dispenser from where he would soon retrieve it. Others took lavish gifts in exchange for the almighty approval every action needs. Nothing new here, but the saddest part is that most of the officials and police don't even live here. They travel in from their family lives in the suburbs and pass out judgements to a community they don't understand or like while milking it relentlessly.
I could get my soap box out and start ranting, but cocktail hour begins a 1 PM. The preferred place for The Court in Exile has become--for the time being--Twist with its 8 hour long happy hour seven days a week.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Leopoldo with our Miami Beach Mom, Henrietta.
What a night. I forgot to mention that Leopoldo's parents were arriving tonight. They are not strangers to Miami, and I do believe they wanted to see their beloved son, but I can't help but feel that they were scoping me out. They looked me "...up and down like a searchlight", but I found them so comforting and engaging that all my worries were dashed aside quickly. We knew they would be hungry after the six hour flight and took them to The 11th Street Diner for some down-home cooking; this, amidst the flurry and the hub-bub of the Winter Music Conference. Consuela (Mom) unpacked an astounding array of gifts; crucifixes, toiletries, shirts, watches, home-make tamales, underwear... I felt as if I had stumbled across a Chinese variety store on Canal Street as operated by an ex-flower-child of the Sixties of San Francisco. Glorious! And--I wish I had carried my camera--they were so kind and gentle, much like their son; I know, now, what Leopoldo will look like thirty years from now after looking at his father.
I, of course, will never age; like Caroline Astor, I will just go on talking to imaginary guests and serving tea to the past. If Leopoldo looks as good as his dad, I won't need anything else.
Thursday, March 27, 2008

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Thank God, that we will finally know the tracking of Mrs. Stuyvesant-Fish's whereabouts as she seeks to stomp out illiteracy with her reading room meetings. And--personally--I want to know where Baroness Seitzinger goes to buy those gaudy appendages she sports and what bank she goes to, first, to get the money; call me old fashion, but will new money like hers, she must be dealing with ooff-shore banks (and, I do mean "ooff"). I'll pass on the travels of Captain Jeremy from Latin to Latin; he's already given so much to this country in time and effort that he deserves some privacy.
Of course, no spy needs to peek in on Mr. Astor and myself; we lead a modest, withdrawn life more caring of the pool boys' need than our own. I guess the last thing you want when you are spying is that someone spy's on you. Perhaps there is a reason why the Bush administration allocated money for this in the first place. Let's not pull up the carpet and look at The War and its profiteers.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Henrietta's Birthday
At first it seemed the event had The Sword of Damacles above it. Our Easter luncheon had gone off spectacularly, even if it was judged necessary to move it inside. The sumptuous feast went on as the rare March rains resumed with thunder and lightening, but we all looked at each other with every clap of thunder wondering what this would hold for the birthday party. Baroness Seitzinger rang me up with the not-so-cryptic message, "I know you have something to do with this." No doubt, this was the spawn of an off-handed remark I made on Friday night at a meeting of The Daughters of The American Revolution book swap. "I curse The Palace with a weekend of rain" I said in a haze of Stoli and literature. Well, it rained and rained and rained to the point that I got so wet carrying Henrietta's home-cooked trays of food to the car that Mr. Astor had to go out and buy me a new, dry outfit. (Note to self: Use Rain to Advantage.)
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Welcome Home, Jeremy
Friday, March 21, 2008
On a better note, our hero Jeremy came home this week and we are having a welcome home BBQ for him at 6:30 PM tonight at Twist. It has been a long time since we've had our captain back, and that calls for a drink, too.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Birthday Change Amongst Others
A lot has changed in the last ten days. The parting of ways with The Palace became permanent and--after working seven days a week for three years--these ten days were a much-needed rest. Mr. Astor and I finally straightened out La Casa from his big move in January and we even were able to construct a new and fortified closet after the weight of his wardrobe caused a calamitous collapse of the entire structure two weeks ago. We did a lot of shopping, too.
It also took some time to recover from Thomas Barker's Bar Crawl; it was well-noted that the town suffered from a collective hangover from that night. Forget the "first annual bar crawl", Barker; the town wants one every month.
And, most of all, the birthday celebration of Henrietta's 67th birthday this Easter Sunday will be held in the bungalow bar at Twist at 5 PM. Final touches are being made today and the grand diva's famous cooking will be one of the highlights.
And, hopefully too, my tangled computer Internet mess will be straightened out by Connie Chung. I let it slide for the ten days to make the rest complete, but when you need to bring out the big gun for a computer meltdown, you go Asian. (She good when she wants to be.)
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Doing The Bar Crawl

Thomas Barker, that indefatigable wag-about-town, has organized a drinkathon to raise $25,000 for Equality Florida, the group desperately trying to stop the far-right attempt to not only deny same-sex marriages in Florida, but to deny the rights of domestic partnerships, straight or gay. The Neanderthals behind this measure, guided as they are by their gods and religions, would over-ride municipalities like Miami Beach which have already given equal rights to domestic partnerships.
Barker has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars already for Equality; it is heartening to see a friend finally find a great role and use his power for such good. So, who better to organize The Bar Crawl than the greatest bar fly in town? Next Saturday at 8 PM the platinum members of this event, The Palace, Halo, Score, and Twist will host this fund-raiser in cooperation with Absolut. The Palace will fire off the starting shot (complete with all the media hype) at 8 PM when ticket holders can begin drinking all the Absolut they want until 9:30. At 10 PM Halo takes the stage and continues the Absolut binge until 11:30 at which time those still standing will stagger over to Score at midnight and continue drinking all the Absolut they can until 1:30. At 2:00 AM the happy crowd will crawl to Twist for the final leg of this noble event. Led by Barker on his hands and knees (a position most of us have practiced to perfection), Twist will take on the final salute to excessive charity.
Alcoholic noblesse oblige; it just comes naturally.
Friday, March 07, 2008

Mr. Frog, by the way, is safe and back to ruling the garden. He winked at me when I left this morning.
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
The Brief Reign of Bedelia
Countess Bedelia continued to position herself for prominence and the lust for power and adoration was too much even for her partner in crime, my sister du Barry. Upon my return from a brief abdication, Bedelia was found sitting at the middle of the railing, backed-up by fawning lackeys (most of them mine). The crowd on the sidewalk kept yelling, "Countess, Countess"; some even scaled the railing to kiss her. It was positively revolting, and even du Barry was rolling her eyes and gagging. I bit my tongue; time was on my side.

And this...dancing on the street like a native. Most of us were left speechless.
Monday, March 03, 2008
Bedelia, of course, is a strict adherent to Marie Antoinette's feeling: "The people are best viewed from afar" and rented a huge tent above the poolside cabanas
Countess Bedelia continued to conquer the town at Saturday's pool party at the Surfcomber, a yearly event where thousands of nearly naked boys splash around.
Saturday, March 01, 2008
I Surrender
Mrs. Stuyvesant-Fish had left for San Francisco on a mission to meet Leopoldo's twin, gay brother, Freddie. Captain Jeremy, of course, is somewhere in South America kissing the ass of a general and The Baroness Seitzinger was no where to be found, either, as back-up; she was probably soothing her recent arm operation (from wearing too much jewelry) with a Cuban male nurse. So, I gave up. The Great Northern Court even sent Officer Brian to warn me that force was always an option against me.
So take the town, The Palace, the courtiers, but you will never get Mr. Astor.