My Life is a Drag

It seems that I spent the better part of last week bickering with Baroness Seitzinger; about what I can't recall, and I doubt that it matters, but it prompted Mamie to issue this public statement:
"We don't trust your silence" was the reoccurring message that started flowing last night. It's funny: The paranoia that festers when you don't talk about that flock of magpies that makes up South Beach. Truthfully, my main concern this week has been trying to save my precious garden from the ravages of six weeks of relentless sun and little rain; the water restrictions--and the methods I invent to circumvent them--take up a great deal of my time. Add to this the fact that I returned from Rhode Island to find the towering ficus trees being attacked by the locally infamous White Fly of Asia and you can get a sense of my burden (and my constant fight against Nature). Except for that wild pill frenzy last Saturday--which stretched from 2 PM to 2 AM--I have had only a small amount of time to donate to my favorite charity: Orphaned Bartenders of South Beach.
Travels Through Westerly were done in that reliable jeep kept here in the winter. In fact, I noted that whether in town or along the coast most people traveled in rugged, utilitarian vehicles; no flashy convertibles or luxury cars were evident. Joy-riding for the sake of showing off is frowned upon, unlike Miami Beach, where it is a life style.
Ah, The Great Westerly Trip--like all vacations--seemed to go by too quickly, but we still had time to consume a great deal of local food and international liquor. Leopoldo has always stubbornly refused to eat seafood, his wise Latina mother having convinced him of this without ever having tried any. I once, however, caught him at a party eating appetizers which he took to be chicken and I knew were shrimp; we agreed that he would finally try lobster (a New England staple) and by week's end was downing fresh clam chowder and lobster. Unsubstantiated fears can be so annoying.
I have been held against my will here in rhode Island with the expressed order NOT to post anything.... It was only today that I was able to convince everyone that I am not a beach person (all that sand getting into places it shouldn't be). Now they are at Weekapaug beach and I was able to chew my way through my restraints, make a pass at the bar, and claw my way up three flights of stairs to this computer. We spent all day in Newport yesterday, but never left Bowen's Wharf; God knows what we did all afternoon, but we got lost in Point Judith and almost had to swim home.