Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Everyone knows my addiction to drag queens. Even as a teenager in Rhode Island I always knew one; my favorite was Mona, a black drag queen who carried an axe in her handbag and once chopped up a Cadillac of a man who wronged her. So the annual Shelley Novak Awards is a type of Nirvana for me. And, Shelley...well, there is a piece of work.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Rick Santelli...I used to admire you

There is not a moment that the suffering I see around me every day, every day that I know I'm blessed with a lifestyle most people can't enjoy. I wring my hands every day watching CNBC. I used to be a great fan of Rick Santelli of the Chicago commodities exchange until he went on a tangent two days ago about the government's proposed help for people about to go into foreclosure. He grandiosely screamed to the floor, "...who wants to subsidize someone who has an extra bathroom...". The floor was silent, and I am, too. There are people who--with an extra bathroom--who work, have problems, and worry about what will happen. Rick Santelli--a man I used to admire--should count his bathrooms. I have been around a long time, and I have never seen worries arising like I do now. I, for instance, have never, ever seen a period where people can't afford to feed their pets and depend on new organizations formed to help them. Rick Santelli, I used to watched you every day and admire your insight...but, Rick Santelli, you have become a part of that which has devoured us as a nation. You are a schmuck without an ounce of honor.

Sunday, February 22, 2009
Jacob lives in Germany now and sent this facebook message today: "Thanks for the blog. It keeps me very well informed, although I would like to know more drama."
The problem is that, although I am usually at the epicenter of drama, gossip, and any other scurrilous information, but I just can't write it out. I learned that a long time ago. Perhaps I can make a code that I pass out to the right people. I can report--since it is town gossip today--that Leopoldo and I were very, very, very bad last night, and in public. It involved a boy from Nicaragua who was vacationing on South Beach for the weekend. From that point, I can go no further. My repeated requests to The Pope for an indulgence have gone unanswered. No problem...we are going out with Henrietta tonight and she sells them from her purse.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
There has been a long debate on the City's need and legal ability to limit the amount of time a homeowner can rent out their property. The Herald reported "The talk had taken a turn toward the outlandish -- with commissioners and residents cataloging the unsavory types presumably feared to be renting homes on the beach: from pedophiles to terrorists to drug peddlers." Then poor Mattie said during the contentious fight, ''The drug dealers have a lot of money, too,'' Bower said during the meeting. ``They're from Colombia, they're making all the money." Calls from Colombian drug dealers immediately demanded her resignation; and, driving the antique Cadillac makes her an obvious target.
Mattie, Mattie, Mattie; we love you and have a bit of advice: Never mention a nationality or religion is this over-sensitive city with out biting your tongue. Every group has suffered so very much in history (and their mind) and are generally so strung out that they don't understand you meant no harm. Of course, I'd like someone on the Commission to really think about the legality of stopping a property owner from renting a home--a home they pay very high taxes on--to anyone, even gypsies. As homes have become so difficult to sell, the only course for many is to rent, even for short periods--and who cares if they are drug dealers; that would cut out a lot of wait time.
A quiet week so far. The baroness is hiding in shame from that truck driver incident and Mamie is off to Las Vegas, a city she detests, for a meeting. I miss them both, but at least don't have to constantly be watching my back. And, the bad news of the week: On Sunday we attended a dinner of close friends at the wonderful Chinese restaurant, Miss Yip. One close friend at the table is the senior vice president of a huge, powerful, global company. At one point--during light conversation of what we all did that weekend--I overheard him quite calmly tell his boyfriend, "Well, if we go bankrupt, I will just have to retire long before I planned to." I nearly choked on my egg roll; maybe we really do have to start storing provisions in the fruit cellar.
Monday, February 16, 2009

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Well, maybe I do. Perhaps I have witnessed the collapse of a society that never really got it right. First we were confused about slavery, then about industrial revolution versus human needs, then about isolationism about when we wanted to join the European jousting group. Just why did we feel the need to have seven aircraft carrier groups patrolling the world's oceans when 20 percent of our citizens were on food stamps? Some day the bill comes due and no one wants to open that envelope.
And, it wasn't just about "greed", it was about looting on a grand scale with the shining example being a weasel named Bernie Madoff. (Actually, he is a particularly special example of the reptilian kind which feeds on its own. Absolute poetry in a world of theft.)
A fancy hat... That is all we need now.
Saturday, February 14, 2009

And, speaking of queens, there was a summoned Court this afternoon of myself, Mrs. Stuyvesant-Fish, The Baroness Seitzinger, and several other members of the Old Guard to reassure each other that we will go down fighting the Republicans with our last hat pin. Secretly, we all have an escape plan. The White Russians had Finland; we have Cuba, a country ripe with possibility. The thought, alone, of all those old buildings waiting to be renovated is a symphony to the ear.
Thursday, February 12, 2009

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Everyone knows about my panic attacks when I have to go to the mainland and actually conduct some sort of business there, so when I actually travel all the way to Ft. Lauderdale I practically need an iron lung. But, duty called and we have a friend up there who has been having a hard time lately, so we went shopping and loaded up the jeep with all sorts of goodies and took off. I despise I-95; it is a third world demolition derby. You don't want me as a passenger with all the gasps and "Oh my Gods" coming out of me; we did, however, make it to our friend who was ecstatic with our visit.
Of course, you can't drink with that long drive home (and, it would be rude to the designated driver to do so, I think), so it was a dry night. Sunday, though wasn't very dry, which leads me to this:
Sent with this in a town-wide cable from Baroness Seitzinger was, "Soooo…. The Countess & Mr. Astor came over for this afternoon. I needed help with the Laundry and Alexis’s name came to mind…..she is so good with domestic help you know.
So….I think my vodka bottle has some sort of leak that has allowed the alcohol to evaporate.
When she arrived….it was full…..when she left…..almost gone. I am certain there is a defect in the bottle.
Notice my finger pointing….:)"
Her invitation that afternoon for cocktails was a trap, plain and simple. She had carefully been monitoring our bike ride from the roof of her building and, upon arriving, we were greeted with bottles of liquor brought by us on a previous occasion and plied with plenty. Before we knew it, she had corralled us into her laundry room and put us to work. I don't remember emptying that bottle, and it is just as likely that she dumped it out after I left to start that treacherous story. (She also displayed a new super-duty Rowenta iron, too, as if to threaten us.) All of this she did while serving rum-soaked prunes and talking about the high price of stone crab and young men (although I don't think she differentiates between her sweet meats). There is no limit to her gall.
Saturday, February 07, 2009

Thursday, February 05, 2009
Although the chorus of pained cries rose as the temperatures dropped into the unheard of upper-thirties, it couldn't drown out, for me, the increasing, bad news. The day began with neither one of us willing to brave the weather for the gym, so the news became the exercise of the day and it started with a Reuters article about scavenging for food in Paris; it just wasn't one of the feel-good articles and you have to wonder if we will see food riots in the capitals of Europe before we see them here.
And, speaking of food, Mamie called me as her carriage approached The Beach from her stay up north. We talked about the hard times many are going through and the stress building up. Both of us sighed at the situation but were grateful that we both can maintain our statuesque lives based on the "3-2-1" formula: Three square meals, two snacks, and one happy hour a day.
The most upbeat part of today will be The Westminster Dog Show tonight; it will be pure escapism. Riley (who had his hair done next to me yesterday) asked if KiKi would be attending, and I had to tell him "no". I've been wondering lately if KiKi actually knows where he is, but we have a taped address that we will send by sattelite of his address to the show. Whatever the dog year of 18 translates to (we know there is a complicated sliding scale), I'm sure I won't know where I am at his age--I hardly do now.
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Every now an then you have to take in the local paper to gage what really matters around you. Today, one article told the story of a local homeless shelter which had run out of money to purchase soap for its visitors to shower with; the Holland American line stepped in to donate unused shampoo and soaps not used by its travelers.

The battle of the pythons has extended to The Keys. For some time, The Everglades has been fighting the growing presence of pythons in its realm; not indigenous to the area, the creatures are proliferating in an environment stocked with lots of meals and not naturally ready to fight off a new threat. The alligators, themselves, battle with them for dominance.
Authorities of The Keys--an area south of The Everglades--have summoned volunteers into a new, python attack group. This group has been educated to avoid a frontal attack, a death grip, and the vile, but harmless "poo squirt". Rangers first found the pythons by monitoring rare mammals equipped with monitors; when tracking those creatures, the most recent were found in the stomachs of sunning pythons. The rangers have been deputized to take no prisoners.
Washington should adopt the same rules for Wall Street.
But the most important story on the front page today was that the Miami mansion housing the video cam headquarters of CocoDorm, Miami would not be closed down. The city manager had sought to close it using old laws against business in a residential neighborhood; the federal judge ruled that since no customer actually visited the mansion, it did not violate any local laws.
Monday, February 02, 2009

Sunday, February 01, 2009