Mamie set off to her country mansion in Nashville for Christmas and, by all accounts, kept up appearances quite well. The Barones Seitzinger, however, left town under a cloud of shame. Even I can't report what transpired, but it involved waking up next to a drag queen. There was nothing else she could do but to flee to her place in the Dominican Republic, where--of course--The Dollar goes a long way. She won't admit to anything to the press, but Society moans (and talks) of her.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
My...How fast the Christmas weekend went by. We tumbled through a four day period of non-stop festivities with none seeming to be too outlandish in a town where "outlandish" is something you eat for breakfast next to your eggs.

I do now plan the New Years' post: The Story of Peggy, The Pig. It's been on my plate for the entirety of this blog, but held back, and back. If this blog is going to end, Peggy's story must be told as it rates beyond the Schnapple con-joined twins as a measure of the craxy life I lived in New York.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Monday, December 21, 2009

Oh, and it's the thought that counts, but only money matters.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
On the good side of this past week, all Christmas shopping--apart for ourselves--was complete. This may be the first year in memory that I won't be shopping on Christmas Eve. In addition, we have succeeded in escaping the family Christmas Day dinner and will take it ourselves with Pimpernel and Henrietta, where I will present her with her own picture book.

And poor KiKi. I visited yesterday only to find him as disoriented as ever. It isn't long before you wonder if you'd ever want to get that way, walking into a closet and not finding your way out. This will be the first crisis of the New Year.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Baroness Seitzinger's Christmas Party
Baroness Seitzinger's carriage arrived on time in a driving rain to pick us up. She was in it and commented, "What a lovely bag. Is it Coach?" "Prrrrrada", I replied, rolling the "R's". "Bitch," she sneered. Round one went to the Astors.

My friend, Ed Grow, has demanded boy pics all the time, so I submit this lovely missive of our bartender's fashion sense at Twist's Christmas party.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
We managed both Christmas parties and even managed to leave with some dignity. Poor Mamie moaned today that she was suffering from a hangover from "The Hangover Hall of Fame", but we told her she had to put her Happy Hat on and attend Baroness Seitzinger's holiday party tonight. We are expecting a great spread with all that (new) money The Baroness likes to flaunt; she's even sending her carriage to pick us up. There is no difference between new money and old on Miami Beach; just have a lot of it and the island is yours.
Several people reported to me today that The Palace's Christmas party was a dud and few attended. What have they done to that place? Two years ago we entertained hundreds, although that seems to be a million years ago. Rumors are rampant that it doesn't have long to live.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
We are treading across minefields; tonight we are going to two Christmas parties, The 11th Street Diner's and Twist's. Twist approached me the other day to make some of the holiday dishes, which just tickled me pink. Fortunately, both venues are next to each other.
While shopping yesterday I ran into my old pal, Emiliano. What a cutie. Pimpernel never fails to remind me that he was there the day Emiliano came in looking for a job; I gave him a five-second interview and hired him at the first smile. It was a move I--or anyone else--never regretted. He is now bartending at Club 721 at the old Laundry Bar space. He told me it is the usual mixed crowd, but on Thursday's there is a "gay night"; I told him that is like Score having a "Latino night". Every night is gay and Latin in Miami. We have to luscious holiday party to attend tomorrow at Baroness Seitzinger's; after that, Emiliano.
Here's the body that goes with the face.
And, things must be picking up. I was approached by the managers of two clubs this week to meet and discuss what we can to in the new year; hopefully it will be a better year for everyone.
Monday, December 14, 2009
We kept a low profile this weekend; before us sprawls two weeks of holiday parties.

No one in the Italian government minded this rather strange goings on; the citizens still paid taxes to Rome and got its services. Still, Seborga was recognized by a few states and enjoyed and idyllic life on the hills of Northern Italy. A true patriot, Prince Giorgio pronounced that he was married to his state and left no heirs, although a pretender to the throne once tried to overthrow him. Wikipedia has a cute story with a picture of The Palace of Seborga. What a lovely, nonsensical place it would have been to live in.
Oh, yes; Happy Birthday KiKi. Your picnic has been scheduled for Wednesday or Thursday.
Oh, yes; Happy Birthday KiKi. Your picnic has been scheduled for Wednesday or Thursday.
Thursday, December 10, 2009

And, KiKi is spending two days here. They poor guy is a lost soul; I thought all the happy memories of living here would bring him around more than it did. Still, he loves a good meal. He enjoyed beef tips in a mushroom sauce over egg noodles for lunch yesterday and Swedish meatballs and rice for dinner. If that doesn't bring back some memories, nothing will.
Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Monday, December 07, 2009

KiKi's coffee table book came out last week to great acclaim; it was then that I realized he must be the most well-known dog on South Beach. Until only a year ago, he regularly made the rounds to the most popular restaurants and clubs on The Beach. He is not the most beloved dog as he did not hide is dislike of being touched by anyone but the immediate family; he believed every finger or toe as fair game. As the book made its rounds, more than one person asked another if they knew KiKi and the answer would usually be a roll of the eyes and, "I'm afraid of that dog". Often respect is better than popularity. One week from today will be his nineteenth birthday and he said he would be available for paw-signing.
Sunday, December 06, 2009

Yesterday, we duly ignored the tornado watch and the impending rain to celebrate the birthday of Baroness Seitzinger and watched that movie; we just don't get together like that much these days. Tongues were sharp and the dueling nonstop, but it was so much fun. The Baroness lashed out at me for calling her taste "tacky"; appalled, I denied ever, ever using that word. "But you dance around it with so many other words, that it comes down to that", she claimed. Wounded, I reminded her that I haven't even gone into that Nativity Scene she's is setting up. So, for the record, there is nothing tacky about Seitzinger. She has an odd way with objects, but she is a class act of the highest order. She doesn't have the "airs" of Mamie, who can one moment be squeezed into a broom closet with some low life and emerge to pick up a serving spoon and sneer, "Plate". We love them both.

Saturday, December 05, 2009
The Countess Bedelia wrote a touching remembrance of her beloved dog, Mai Ling, and it brought shudders to me. Last night I dreamt that KiKi fell into a large hole and I had to jump in and get him out; this morning, I entered the kitchen to see doggie napkins, packaged in the cupboards for one year had somehow fallen out. I am so spooked.

I look at him now and see an old dog being carted around in a wagon and remember when he used to sit with me at my desk and smile. It seems so long ago.
Today's holiday party has been cancelled by The Baroness because she has not finished her Nativity Scene. (I knew God would help me.) So we are all to meet at Twist this afternoon and will sing old standards like "Deck the Halls With Gin and Holly" and "Come, All Ye Drunkards." Ah, tradition. Of course, Miami is under a Tornado Watch this afternoon, which will make it all the more festive.
Friday, December 04, 2009

But more than everything else (exciting only to gay Martians), does that idiot know that sitting in a "S" shaped chair for a sincere conversation is only done in the lobbies of expensive hotels between paramours? They might as well be in The Grand Hotel with Greta Garbo looking on jealously.
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Well, we all got a hint of what The Baroness Seitzinger's Xmas decorations will be like; it'll be very expensively done (the was she is), but totally over the top. Today Mamie and I received an invitation this weekend to celebrate her decorations with "egg nogg and Christmas music". I personally would prefer to be tied to the tree in Rockefeller Center and burned to death, but she is such a dear that we'll go and enjoy the company--there's always the 16th floor balcony if push comes to shove and Mamie just can't take it any longer. (And, I did request "happy" Xmas music.)

And, then, there is this...
Poor Baroness, all that money and so much of it wasted. She spent last week at a resort in Nicaragua (we don't need to into any stories about that), but the poor thing is always attracted to the gaudiest items in airport gift stores. The last one was apparently so obnoxious that God had to break it in her luggage. Still, she is such a dear that I'm sure we'll swoon over it this weekend. Then, again, there's that balcony.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009
I thought I would drift aimlessly away from the nonsense I live in.
Like. I thought someone....anyone should be reminded that Afganistan has NEVER been ruled by foreign powers; the Britsh couldn't do it, the the Russians--next door--couldn't do it, and Alexander the Great just thought it was better to put the entire population to death. Still, we are there; so--you know what--let the politicians waste natioanl treasury on it. I'm sure only the stupid, poor people will pay as usual.

Good Lord, why are so many of us afflicted with insomnia. I'm still waiting for my Xanax to kick in with the red wine and looking a photos of the other night. Two lessons should be learned: