A Miami weekend lasts from Thursday night through Monday morning (which is why there a move afoot to abolish Mondays and make Sunday a two day affair). And it has been a long, long time since I've been sober for an entire Miami weekend, so I've been nagged with one thought over this quiet, reflective period:
"Why Oh Why Is North America Buying Wheat From China?!"
Sure it's for dog food, and perhaps American and Canadian wheat is a little expensive, but it's not poisonous. They can't feed their own population and we are b
uying food, too? What other food products are leaking into our supply, even in the form of additives. China has none of the health restrictions and laws that at least provide us with an adequate food supply here. What's next? Are we going to find out that Gummy Bears are made there now; I haven't looked at a package lately, but wouldn't be surprised.
Successive administrations have allowed The Chinese to absorb much of our manufacturing needs to the point that if there were to be a cessation of trade Home Depot,
Walmart, and most other big retailers would go under (not a bad idea to some). But Bush has perfected the game. By gradually given concession after concession on tariffs, The Chinese have amassed a fortune big enough to buy all the bonds the U.S. has to offer which, in turn, finances Bush's war. Where do you think he'd get it from, a middle America that is fighting to pay mortgages?
Jeremy and I came up with the perfect solution to all that money waiting to be spent. We would offer Texas for sale at the bargain price of $450 billion dollars, about half of the excess money lingering in
Beijing's vaults according for Fortune. Then they could build a new Great Wall around it and do what ever they want with all those Republicans. They could make them all work in rodeos and state fairs or even
reenactments of the storming of The Alamo; what a tourist attraction. We would then take out the $300 billion dollars this criminal war has cost us, buy back the bonds, and buy Cuba with the extra 150. It soon will up for sale and we need another tropical state; Florida has become to
overwhelmed with boring people from the north. Even the alligators want to leave. Free movement would ensue with most Cubans moving to Miami to be with relatives and most gays moving to Havana to fix up those beautiful, if crumbling, old buildings. That's what they do best, anyway. The party would be fierce.
And, The Chinese? Well, you get what you pay for.