Small town politics can be as annoying as an itch in the wrong place.
Mayor Mattie Bower seems to be firmly in place to win re-election; we just have to watch the non-turnout. But the commissioner race is getting nasty with front-runner Michael Gongora being vilified on the fact that he was arrested for drunken driving years ago. The opponent running the negative ads has never run a race for anything, doesn't even have a college diploma, and--at the tender age of 23--announces that he has the experience needed to be in a national position. As the local paper wrote this week, it is better that a party town like this votes for a candidate like Gongora because he "parties" and "enjoys the nightlife", like someone we would WANT to represent us, than any of the others. Amen.
In case you don't know it, there is still civility and tradition in this world. Karl-Philip Prinzhorn married Countess Anna von und zu Eltz at the parish church at Altaussee, Austria, this week. The bride's parents are Count Alexander and Countess Maria von und zu Eltz. The groom is the son of Thomas Prinzhorn and Countess Therese zu Hardegg, and a stepson of Fürst Karl von Schwarzenberg.
...you thought it was safe in our backyard. Yesterday, the new gardener ask, "Have you seen the bees?". I replied, "Funny you should ask that. One got into the house yesterday, and I had never had that happen." "Come with me," he said.
Nature continues on its rampage here; last week raccoons filleted a 74-year-old woman and yesterday a swarm of bees killed a dog. Fortunately, I may just have stopped the White Fly from killing our famed twenty foot ficus trees.
I have been of delicate health these days between the total war against the White Fly, the incessant heat, my unending stomach problems, and the knowledge that at any time Nature can turn on me. (Just what do the possums talk about when I forget to leave them leftovers?)
I'm so sick of The White Fly that I could agree to artificial plants now. I have two companies fighting it and perhaps, just perhaps, we have stopped its spread. In the meantime, Tom from New York reminded me of another horror of nature that occurred last week. A 74-year-old woman went into her back yard to scare away some raccoons and, instead, was surrounded by five or six of them and attacked. As the police reported, "She wasn't just bitten, she was filleted."
We launched the mayor's gay campaign last night at the same place we started two years ago: Twist. Our lovable, seventy-year-old grandmother/mayor remains very popular and enjoys great admiration for not being in the pocket of the Cuban lobby, the Jewish lobby, or the developers; they had all gone over to her opponent two years ago since everyone knew money wins. Well, it didn't. So ordinarily, Madame Mayor would be a shoe-in, but it is an off-year election and strange things can happen. So we reminded everyone to vote and remember the woman who created a gay business advisory board (which I foolishly declined an appointment to) and funded the first Gay Pride parade on The Beach in 25 years.