Monday, November 30, 2009

We were approached on White Party night with a question, "Where does the term, Tommy Gun, come from?" Shocked not to know, I immediately shot the person dead, but did find out later. The Thompson Submachine Gun was designed in the later days of World War I by General J. T. Thompson. A revolution for that war, it soon became the social and fashion statement of the 1920's when both law and mob favored the efficient, economical, and extremely effective tool in getting to an end. (Was that too much alliteration?) Everyone loves a Tommy Gun.

Sunday, November 29, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009

Of course, nothing short of death stops a good time and it is actually heretical in a town like this to even think you couldn't pull through. I have been reminded that one simply can't drop out on something Henrietta has spent $750 on tickets for, let alone the weeks spent planning the outfits, my need to coordinate all transportation, blah, blah, blah. I guess there is always some pill available, but that leaves out drinking, and THAT's a real horror.
Friday, November 27, 2009

She put the "B" in Bee,
You can't put The Countess down.
She opens every night,
She carries a sharp-tongued knife
But you can't put our Countess down
We love the way she dresses,
We are always impressed-es.
You can't...You shant...Ever put our Countess down!!!!!
We love her.

This is all in preparation for the much larger book I am going to self-publish about my years with Henrietta. I just need to get some of those Sixtie's shots of her in a bikini to round it out.
Thursday, November 26, 2009

Mr Plant worked and worked....every day (and night) he would be lurking behind the trees and plants. We adore him beyond comprehension..he worked, he lit, he mulched.

Finally, after a month of work and a tab well, well into the five figures (most middle Western families could have bought a house with that much money), it was done.
More photos to come from the Feast today.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Baron Urban, who is one of the few die-hard Republicans I tolerate, sent me this image with the note that we are on the national Titanic. I know that, but I suggested that instead of a boring, string quartet playing Nearer My God To Thee, we have Lady Gaga performing. He--the poor soul has no clue--wondered if she could pull that song off; I had to be the harbinger of bad news that she wasn't singing that. We want Bad Romance...that's what got us here.

Hey, if I'm going down on The Titanic, they will remember my shoes.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
I got off on the wrong foot today. I always open my email first and there from my friend Pimernel was a story about how the Bishop of Providence had withheld communion from Rhode Island congressman Patrick Kennedy for his support for abortion rights. So much for separation of Church and State I have always supported: the garnishment of all Catholic property but for the churches themselves for involving themselves so deeply in the politics of Rhode Island. It is funny, as well, for me, because when I grew up in Providence and went to school there, the Bishop, Louis Geleneau I believe, was the only person in the world who could out-jewel and out-cape Liberace. Even then, I marveled at how the poor Catholics couldn't see the hypocrisy. And, then, there were the parties; I wasn't brought up Catholic and wasn't invited, but I had plenty of boyfriends there who were and they waxed nostalgic about the "special" parties given for the Boys of the Bishop.

By the time I had switched to Nancy Sinatra's "Sugar Town", I was in such an elated state that nothing short of a White Fly could ruffle my wings. (And, by the way, The White Fly has been defeted; but, that's another story).
I figure the voters of Rhode Island are smart enough to know right from wrong and will sort it all out. I'd just love to know how many rings the current bishop, Tobin, wears. Make sure to check out Colbert.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Edison Farrow's new night at Casale on Bay Road drew more than enough local celebrities. Here were most of the most important and influential television personalities. And--as only can be expected--Code Compliance and the Fire Marshall did everything they could to shut it down.
Edison's parties are the least danger to society here on The Beach. Code Compliance officers roam about town like vultures; their only inner guide is to justify their jobs. The Fire Marshall is a grandly-festooned buffoon. He loves to show up at gay bars to count the number of a good time; where is his wife? I confronted him once at Twist and he laughed at my interest at just why he was was there until I told him he looked like he was shaking down a business; I was immediately ushered away.
This city is like a fat lady who feels that all is good as long as she eats more; she allows all her followers to eat, too (there is so much to go around). The bill will come, Fat Lady, believe me.

Monday, November 16, 2009
But if there are any givens in this world is that members of society like Mrs. Stuyvesant-Fish trying to grandstand all the politicians by donning a Louis Vuitton head scarf and try to start a third party candidacy in the early morning hours of the day after Halloween. We don't know where her campaign has climbed to since a cone of silence has lowered over her bid for political power. There was never any platform that I could see, except for exhaustive fun for everyone (South Beach's version of a chicken in every pot). We wish her well, but know that the mayor's office can't be run from Ye Old Gin Hall.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
With the run-off election just days away, the pace of events and meetings has taken on manic proportions. But we had to squeeze in the now mandatory visit to happy hour at Twist; I watched Maria make a stunning entrance-alone-to many gasps. That woman has style!

Today there is a gathering at Halo at 5 PM from where everyone will march over to City Hall's early voting; in a nice little touch, everyone who brings back they "I Voted" sticker will get a free drink.
Thursday, November 12, 2009

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Is that a mic or a ice cream cone?
Talk around town is zeroing in on commissioner wannabe (and Marie's opponent), Exposito, and questions about what he did to his two female opponents. In the days leading up to the general election fliers were mailed out lauding Sherry Roberts "Good Experience" and decrying Maria Chang Mayer's "Problems" (take note the use of Maria's middle name; we'll come to that later). It seems the flier came from a group named Tell The Public The Facts, Inc., run by a slippery character named Custin. It certainly put Sherry Roberts in a good light and made it look like it came from her camp. According to The Herald, "But Roberts said she wasn't responsible for the ad, which painted her in a favorable light -- and pointed the finger at Exposito. Through a letter to voters and the media, she accused ``Exposito and his cohorts'' of creating the mailer, noting that Tell the Public the Facts has been a client of Exposito's political consultant, David Custin"
Both Exposito and Custin disavowed anything to do with the advertisement, which shows images of unidentified women passing wads of cash to and from tie-clad men -- and lists Mayer's home phone number while urging fed-up readers to call her.
Smear campaigns remain legal, are hard to trace, and do not fall under the cash limit laws. It is an ideal way to confuse the public, because as political guru Riley once told me, sometimes you send out an ad praising a candidate with no chance of winning just to take votes away from another and put yourself above it all. (He's my little Karl Rove).
Both women are incensed and Sherry Roberts immediately threw her support to Maria.
My advice to Maria at the end of our lunch: concentrate on the woman vote, let us muster the gay vote and no amount of money or slander can stop you. We have, however, just a few days.
Thomas Barker and I are jumping into the fray and pulling the boys and girls together. God help us.
Oh, and the middle name; City Debate came out swinging by calling Exposito and Custin "rascists" for constantly refering to Maria Chang Mayer, an obvious ploy to confuse and frighten the voters. Maria was born in El Salvador and received her law degree from the University of Miami. Someone should give these two dimwits a history lesson: When Mao took over power in China hundreds of thousands of upper class Chinese fled to Central America and especially Cuba. Take a ride up Eight Avenue in NYC to the 50's and you will see an amazing number of Cuban/Chinese restaurants (from those who fled Castro in 1961).
My computer is overloaded with emails about all this, but this just in:
"At the TUESDAY MORNING BREAKFAST CLUB, AIG VICE PRESIDENT* JORGE EXPOSITO,who is running for MIAMI BEACH COMMISSION, stated that pension and contract disputes related to the $500m dollars in unfunded liabilities burdening the city, should be settled "BEHIND CLOSED DOORS!" Perhaps this is why JORGE has been endorsed by BOTH the POLICE AND FIRE unions. One wonders what other public business MR. EXPOSITO and his faction of MIAMI- based hired guns, contractors and political cronies wish to settle in secret. perhaps MR. EXPOSITO should google: SUNSHINE LAW, FLORIDA.(and, i hope this is not too delicate a question. but just where WAS MR EXPO when his parent company AIG was stuffing junk mortgage securities in our 401k's?) thanx. mike * pl see 2008 10k filing for AIG; item 1. business pl fwd to your list"
(I heard someone called his insurance company and was told he was just a claims adjuster...)
Let's go Thomas and get 'em!!!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
KiKi's condition seems to have stabilized, and I feel a bit relalxed for the moment. After seeing him the other day, he bounced back to being his old, frisky self. Everyone delighted in this change, and all I could think of was the satement made by Maurice Paléologue, the French ambassador to the court of the last days of Nicholas II's Imperial Russia when he wrote, was like a match: in it's last moments. its flare is brilliant before it burns out forever.
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Miami Beach's answer to every insomniac's dream, Sleepless Night, seemed to have gone off with no problems. The city was jammed with revelers and the clubs and restaurants stayed open until 7 AM this morning. I thought there might be a collective hangover today, but by 3 PM Lincoln Rd. was packed with more party monsters. It was a lovely day, in the low eighties, to bike around.

Saturday, November 07, 2009
Friday, November 06, 2009
Talk and attention continues to revolve (and evolve) around KiKi and his mental health; still life--and the crazy version of it here--goes on.

I made my own fashion statement coming out for a swim with Lolita in a custom-made suit made for one of Andy Warhol's Long Island beach parties in the early eighties...and that's enough from bitches like you Ed Grow.
Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Do you ever have a celebrity whom from the very beginning you didn't like and even come to loath. My good friend Jaime moved some time back from South Beach to Newport where his boyfriend had a good job at one of the most famous restaurants there, The Clarke Cooke House. In comes Kevin with an entourage and sits at his table; looks like a plum night doesn't it? Well, Kevin's group decides to light up cigarettes and his waiter asks them politely not to smoke; Kevin calls him a name and others light up. The waiter's manager complains to him that if the owner knew they were all breaking state law and that he was insulting the great actor, he would be fired, so the waiter went back and jokingly said, "Please, you can only smoke if you are fire here." Spacey went berserk, called him a prick and said, "You are a pushy little fuck, now get the fuck away...". The manage bemoaned that the owner was going to be angry when he learned Spacey had been insulted and a few days later the waiter was let go and replaced.
there's an interview here.